Thursday, October 11, 2018


People work differently in different cultures in relation to time. One distinction is whether people are 'monochronic' or 'polychronic'. Monochronic people; they are the kinds who are known for being punctual, giving great importance to doing things on time. They tend to do things linearly and orderly, one at a time, and if somebody throws off the schedule by not doing the job on schedule, they get upset.

Polychronic people, on the other hand, they focus more on people and relationships, and they do many things at the same time, and if something doesn't happen at the specified time, for them, it isn't a big deal. The U.S., England, Germany, Scandinavia - they're predominantly monochronic cultures. Most other countries are polychronic like Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, Africa, most of Asia. In these countries, the fulfillment of the transaction will all depend on lots of things.

In the Philippines, particularly in our bureaucracy, Monochronic or Polychronic has no significance at all. The public officials, in general, do their duties and obligations in the service for the public, as always, in an inordinate delay as if there are such things inside them as vampires... energy sucking, draining vampires that zap all their positive energy. But everything that is in a snail pace movement can turn into a rocket velocity if grease money lands into the right palms.

Admittedly, nobody can change the long-standing norm that money is the alchemy of power to brew synthetic rule on honesty into dishonesty. In fact, Money is the end that justifies all means. It is the rationale that permits decent men to make indecent decisions. It is therefore unlikely that total virtue will ever find its way into the corridors of men who wield power.

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