Monday, January 31, 2022



Too often do we catch ourselves trying to prove the other side wrong forgetting that important issues shouldn’t be about our egos but rather about pursuing the truth and truth is that it is impossible for one side to always be right and the other side to always be wrong. That is why, we need to listen to each other. Comelec Com. Rowena Guanzon is making a nonsensical point now and I think she should crawl back into her hole. What is she got up her sleeve if anything? Somebody should teach her that sweetness is better than a chip on your shoulder.

Friday, January 28, 2022



COMELEC Commissioner Rowena Guanzon got too little ahead of herself when she let her affirmative vote to disqualify BBM out to the public even before the decision was officially released to the contending parties. As it is, she was behaving like a bull in a China shop always knocking things over and she has to answer for filling her big mouth with big words and end up eating dirt.

By tradition and in our system of judicial administration, a decision by any court, tribunal, and/or quasi-judicial body can have the force and effect only after it was officially released to the contending parties. Guanzon’s aberrant behavior in prematurely disclosing her vote to disqualify BBM could be considered null and void and deserves administrative sanction.

Commissioner Guanzon has indeed trampled upon the foregoing judicial norms. Truly, Guanzon was caught by the great tides of perturbing and overwhelming emotions opting to believe in the convincing illusions that her egos create. Now Guanzon must retire with her tail between her legs.

Sunday, January 23, 2022


The presidential candidates present in the Jessica Soho show they all have a blizzard of story to feast upon like they are the champion of the masses, the blue-collar worker, and the middle class.  They always make their fantasy run amok all the time just to have shockwaves rippling around.

We’ve all heard these old sayings countless amount of times: It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand; Noise proves nothing; Often a hen who has laid an egg cackle as if she has laid an asteroid; You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do; actions speak louder than words; and finally, never trust words, some people have sugar on their lips and venom in their hearts.

But sadly, for some reasons, many refuse to listen to the foregoing simple pieces of advice and the Filipinos end up having to pay the price as we expect blood in the water in the country while these greedy politicians are baring their teeth. WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN?


Thursday, January 6, 2022



If you really care about our country, first of all we must follow Covid protocols truthfully; and second, do not be resentful to the NEW SANCTIONS--PROHIBITING NON-VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS TO GO OUT OF THEIR HOUSES. You know that we know, that Covid Omicron contaminations are soaring in astronomical proportion. We know that medical treatment is compromised, frontlines are overwhelmed. When people become desperate, they’re more likely to do desperate things.

So, the NEW SANCTION is not just what you see from the outside but there are other more devious and deeper issues that manifest the cause of the sanction. Therefore, the NEW SANCTION meant to restrain people from contaminating each other. But as what life has always been, there is good and evil on the sanction; it also impedes development, and more importantly, centers for the displaced, destitute, and who would take care all of them.

Now, the government is willing to go any depth to deal with the Covid-Omicron. The budget for year 2022 is 5 trillion 5 hundred billion Pesos to deal with the Covid-Omicron and its necessary consequences. In which case, we really do not know what the hell that’s going to lead to, which is not good. Do you see where I’m going with this here? Absolutely, it’s going to have terrible ramifications and therefore, the government have to create a defensive position here; some kind of fallback. It has to lock in how our country and its citizens are going to survive and forget about any diversion of its focus and the money that could be spent on the Election in 2022. WE MUST POSTPONE THE ELECTION.

Saturday, January 1, 2022



Don't do try to pretend that a skunk doesn't smell. I’m talking how long these presidential candidates in 2022 elections have been in politics but they all seem wet behind the ears. They speak Rainbows and Sunshine but all are empty promises and proclamation and   their story has more holes than Swiss cheese. Their plans to make the country progressive is just a pie in the sky. We’re talking how big these guys have been at what they’ve been doing but they are what they do, not what they say they’ll do.

I reckon it is better there will be no election in 2022 and the budget for it will be used to deal with the possible spread of Covid Omicron in the coming days that sparked a frenzy of anticipation.

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