Saturday, April 30, 2022



These horrible, loud and proud comments that these people are flexing out of context and way out of line about everything against BBM can make you feel angry. They are expressions of hate and mean or unfair that already get incredibly toxic that society cannot promote and glorify them. But BBM tried his best to approach them with compassion instead of judgment--a characteristic display of a monument of modesty.

That is why, I want to use this moment to send a personal message to those unrelentingly assaulting BBM that I wish you all the best. But please just be honest with yourself and acknowledge through self-awareness of your strength and limitation that you are not a saint. There's nobody who is sacrosanct and beyond question. To put it bluntly, said troublesome and unempathetic unsavory remarks by these people against BBM was essentially jinxing their own candidate in the coming election that gets them a taste of their own medicine. You see, Karma always pays off-- You get served what you deserve.   

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