Sunday, December 30, 2018


In the presidency of Benigno ‘Pnoy’ Aquino III and the Yellows, the Philippines was going down with its quagmire of problems; overloading our Nation with social ills of every description from poverty, the energy crisis, our nation’s economy, insurgency, terrorism, and issues of graft and corruption. We have the kind of leaders who have lost their sense of humanity and are treating their own countrymen as if their enemies in times of war. The situation of the Nation was the saddest that you could imagine.

As soon as PRRD was the president, he sorted this country out of its quagmire of problems and the twilight era of purple and gold emerged. He emphasized the important relevant concept to the notion of democracy which is the rule of law or institutional rule as against personal or discretionary rule.

The current system in our government under PRRD is now ascending in rocket velocity to prosperity and progress with his build, build, build programs, stop corruption, the war on drugs, and eliminate insurgency and terrorism. The Filipinos are seeing all of these things in front of their eyes. It’s been only two years and yet the promising success of how PRRD steered his government from grave danger into the path of glory surrounding us has become.

Mr. President Mayor Sir, what is prevailing in our country, they were great because of you. Thus, we thank you for who you are, and we are grateful for everything you have done and what more you will do for our country. We are together again and our hearts melt with laughter and all the happiness we always had is suddenly revive.

With you as our President, every generation after generation can now start off their lofty goals and dreams to achieve their true potential. They are now confident they don’t get sidetracked by multiple incarnations taking out their future along the way just to get a good education because it is now free, and their low-income parents are exempt from taxes.

Let’s make and carve out what PRRD have done to our country and make them electric; where impossibilities lead us to endless possibilities. Here, every day is a new canvas. With you as president is where all that we are passionate about, all that drives us, is made possible. This is where passion is made possible. This is our stage, the country we call our home.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the people of the world. Let’s move into the direction that would enrich the world, the one that brings fulfillment and freedom for all.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


The GARIN political dynasty is becoming the political warlords in Iloilo as their names echoed with fear all over the Western Visayas. They are the king of kings that possess the enigma of invulnerability. They thought they look great with their insane and badass way as if with a license to kill from a heart-eating psychopath with a taste for bizarre methods of torture of no less than PO3 Federico Macaya.

This was the first time in the history of our country that defies logical explanation where a policeman was subjected to inhuman mental and physical affront of his dignity and pride allegedly in front of the chief of police Sr. Insp. Antonio Monreal who while in uniform and presumably with his firearm tucked to his waist failed to help as he was freezing with fear. The subject incident was in all force a disagreement, for the Garins, on the one hand, and for S/Insp Antonio Monreal, on the other hand, in the strongest possible term the code of conduct of the PNP of Loyalty, Courage, and Honor above all else.

It was an honored tradition that, if you mess with a policeman, it was the end of the line for you because you actually mess with the entire PNP forces. That’s why it is a great wonder the perpetrators, the Garins, are still freemen until now.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has successfully succeeded in withstanding different kinds of desperate and death-defying encounters just to keep our country safe. But they could not surely withstand the acts of bastardization the GARIN dynasty have done to them.

We must remove from our vocabulary completely the concept of fear against this GARIN dynasty or any public official for that matter. These corrupt politicians have always nourished their greed for money and their infectious character for abuse of power because of this basic fear that we have over them. Therefore, the citizens’ sovereign power must ultimately triumph over evil.

It’s all about the rule of law, and the rule of law means that no-one is above, and no-one is beneath. But the politicians as demonstrated by the GARIN dynasty do both, all the time. They can always get away from prosecution because of their riches by greasing the right palms. It’s the poor who are victimized and oppressed by them because they are weak. It is the poor who are always shoved around.

But this time, We are watching the GARIN’S dynasty disintegrate whose time is fleeting as their reputation has a glaring hole now.

The GARIN dynasty, a bullhug, selfish, portrayed as egomaniacal, a walking contradiction of the ideal tenets of the laws that are cast in stone, and the impregnable wall of the Constitution. WE MUST CURSEDLY DENOUNCE THEM, CRIPPLE AND PARALYZE THE MONSTER WARLORD.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


Welcome to the Garin family embodying the exact characteristic of an arrogant boss to make not only the angels weep but thousands or millions of mortals. They are allegedly the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think bane of bullies, the hero to dogs and the assassins everywhere.

Iloilo congressman Oscar 'Richard' Garin Jr, and his father Guimbal town Mayor Oscar Garin, in simultaneous fashion as the flock of doom, disarmed, cuffed, and held a cop at gunpoint, and then kicked, boxed, and spattered saliva on the face of PO3 Federico Macaya at around 3:20 am on Wednesday, December 26, 2018. Congressman Oscar 'Richard' Garin Jr is the husband of former DOH Sec. Janette Garin, who was principally involved in the Dengvaxia vaccine animal-like anomaly that caused the death toll of at least one hundred five (105) lives mostly children, and still counting.

It seems like this is the line that you have to keep alive. The people who look alike, with one genetic origin or belonging to the same group, it necessarily means they are alike. This is called “Collective Guilt.”

How the hell are you gonna get out of this mess in your life? The Garin family are the ones who laid a big fat steaming piece of shit on your head. Against all reasons that the father and son family of bullies attempting to undo such deleterious consequence with a dry and lifeless presentation on TV is just begging mediocrity. In the end, all they had accomplished was to persistently water a dead plant. It makes you wonder how the mechanism of their ideas was like at a time that calls for clear-eyed thinking. IT WOULD CHOKE YOU UP!

This mauling incident wasn’t the only catalyst for the meltdown of the Garin political dynasty but it was the straw that broke the Camel’s back, so to speak.

It’s an abomination to violate temples of human dignity, thus, divine punishment for the crime comes swift and furious. Money and lack of empathy are the absolute perfect storm for criminal behavior. The horrible act was a Jaw-dropping view committed by the said public officials who are sworn to observe the rule of law. Nevertheless, you don’t see the karma coming out at all, but when it comes, there was no warning. It’s just an instant moment like lightning striking.

Friday, December 21, 2018


It’s been a winding road; there’s been adversity in life’s lesson along the way. All the time it is filled with no small measure of deprivation and misfortune. Everyone wants to get every edge he can get at all cost just to leave the others in the dust.

Nevertheless, all of us have a chance to have a moment, just one moment, and it was just a great feeling to think it could come any time. If that moment comes, nobody can beat you and nobody could ever have produced a different result. It is because that moment was just your time to shine.

If it is your moment, you will be like a tremendous bolt of lightning created by Mother Nature out of thin air; a fantastic combination of power and beauty. We’ve seen still photographs of lightning bolts at the moment of impact, ferocious in its strength, magnificent in its elegance, and at the moment of impact, it lights up everything around it. If another person stands in the way of your path and gets caught in your moment, he gets blinded by the light.

There’s just doesn’t seem to be a straight line and the finish line in life here on earth. Just accept everything willingly that comes your way whether fair or foul. Appreciate and feel grateful for all the amazing gifts that you already have right now around you in your life. Most importantly, just do the right thing all the time by not dancing to the tune the devil is playing. What everybody must focus on is keep trying to up-level your state of consciousness.

You are about to have a breakthrough, you are about to move through an area that most people can’t make it through. SO, DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018


The meaning, your interpretation, and your perception of the person, object or things you made up in your head, you are making this all, and it’s not true. This means the meaning you associate or that you assign to something determines how you feel and what you do throughout your life.

How many of you have ever screwed your day, how many of you have ever snapped at somebody it had nothing to do with them. It was just your state, you were just so stressed about something else.

The bottom line in life is We got to make sure that we assign a meaning that empowers not disempowered. The thing is to choose empowering versus disempowering meanings.

What we’re gonna want to do is build a bridge between our reality and somebody else’s so that we can connect and have a good relationship. We don’t have to make other people live in our reality, we don’t have to hold our realities their absolute. We can create a bridge and by having that bridge, we can exchange information, our two communities of emotion, our two communities of understanding. 

It’s praised to do it this Christmas and We would be proud of the path our lives have chosen. We create a connection where we’re no longer separate, we’re connected and we can share. We can have our own identity and feelings, we can also connect and share there’s no limit. We can do it at any moment. All we have to do is choose to cross the bridge. That’s all we got to do, bridge the reality.

We have been rocked and the game of life hangs in the balance deep. We must re-emerge and reinvent ourselves in order to continue going into the game. Our destiny is in our hands.


Sunday, December 16, 2018


Before, he was just an ordinary person like most of us. But as soon as he becomes a high profile public official, he jolted into an overnight millionaire. I had gone down every road you could think of, everyone that I’ve ever met that’s all they’ve been chasing, to become a public official. All the stories that I had followed in life were people who hold high profile position in our government either appointed or elected position went from nothing to living the life of millionaires.

In our country, the Philippines, being in the millionaires’ row is now the global norm of bigness and sate and it doesn’t matter if you got it in a dishonest way. What matters is when you are wealthy, you have the best opportunity/chance in life. You belong to a narrow segment of society who has all the entitlement of respect, privileges, and of being honorable; the Giants upon whose shoulders today’s intelligentsia stand.

Contrariwise, it has been a common practice that if you’re not enough or special and uniquely extravagant, your presence is looked down, not given enough attention and credit for what they know and our personal connection with them is so small.

Thus, everybody is enthralled and dyed-in-the-wool that it is a rat race in our corrupt Philippine government to become millionaires though hell should bar the way. You see, the pain we have in our society is not because there’s one right or one wrong approach. But because we try to make everybody fit into some particular approach to life. Most people are fooled by these people usually wearing a suit and tie.

But warn you, We should not hold them up as the high-water mark of all human achievement. These are not the nice sweet people that you think. They are golden colored on the outside, but rotten inside. They are nothing but Liars, thieves, dope dealers, and mass murderers. They’re total killers living in the world of the make-believe.

Those engaged in corruption remember this; your children cannot walk away from getting their father’s horrible past thrown in their faces. It’s a lifetime sentence for them. They are doomed to continue the cycle of untrustworthiness that so many go by. It's really a shame, and the stigma is attached to the children who suffer the after effects by force of circumstances. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


If you grew up taking care of folding your own clothes, preparing your own meals, going to the store, doing the grocery, cleaning the bedroom, cleaning the house, taking out the trash, and you did that your whole life, then, if you have to do that again later on in your life, you don’t feel like you have economic pain because you are already accustomed to living that way.

But if you grew up in an environment where everything was done for you, you never have to work, and now suddenly you have to work incredibly hard to just pay enough money to pay your bills and all of a sudden food is building up and house is dirty and your clothes aren’t folded and nothing matches with the life you’re accustomed to living, you might find yourself really angry and frustrated because you have a different story about how life is supposed to be than how it is.

So, in life, the most important thing to do while being young is to learn how to do the household chores and errands on your own. It is because in life, the only thing permanent is change.

Life is really a series of growth spurts. I mean, it is foolhardy of you to expect to live like a king all the time if ever you have that kind of life right now. Try to live poorly because if you continue to live the same way in the future, you’re already used to it.

And I ask people who here has been through the dark night of the soul, who’s been here in a situation where you feel like life isn’t worth living, or you feel like a pain that just never goes away? This is the nature of things in life. Things don't work out the way you want them to. It's not a perfect world, and there is no script to life that tells you what to do, and when to do it. Therefore, you have to be prepared how to live poorly and be content with it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


The 3 Balangiga Bells, which was revered as bells of sorrow and shame, chronicled the human nature that we are spiteful and are constantly seeking to find a way of how to get revenge to our foes. On September 28, 1901, in Balangiga, Samar, the Filipino insurgents, with bolos attacked the 74 American soldiers killing 48 of them including all the officers. In retaliation, the U.S. Army and Marine Corps crushed the insurgency killing several thousand Filipinos and got 3 Balangiga Bells as war trophies.

For 117 years, Philippine past presidents have been trying to convince America to return the 3 Bells to the Philippines for sentimental reasons as the Filipino heritage. It is only by PDU30’s braved, his hopeful, his innovative and his resourcefulness, and of course, his indefinable approach that the 3 Balangiga Bells were returned in formal solidarity.

For that, the Filipino people embrace PDU30 with our limitless love for his great job.

And I’ve learned from the return of the 3 Balangiga Bells that neither power nor poverty can make your life more magical or less tortuous. I’ve learned from what PDU30 has done that the dignity of a life, a human being, a culture, a religion, a country, actually resides in its ability for grace and compassion. I’ve learned that whatever moves you, whatever urges you to create, to build, whatever keeps you from failing, whatever helps you to survive, is perhaps the oldest and the simplest emotion is known to mankind and that is love.

Yeah, even with all the books of knowledge that you might read and impart your knowledge to others, but mankind will never be the wiser about its future unless it is coupled with a sense of love and compassion for their fellow beings. The word love if you understand that and practice it, that itself is enough to enlighten mankind.

Monday, December 10, 2018


In the campaign, they pontificate but don’t practice what they preached. It’s completely false, it’s dirty, it smells. It’s almost like a script; to serve the Filipino people to the promise land. But the idea is to get rich quick and to protect their wealth from accountability and prosecution was strong enough to carry them once they are elected. The thought of the Flashbulbs popping and riches growing underneath their feet are just glorifying that it blurs the line between work and greed for money.

The Corruption and greed for money had already assimilated in the politicians’ way of life that most of them, if not all, have become thieves. Travel abroad for shopping spree and indulgence in forbidden pleasures are their perversion and the National media is their mouthpiece.

Corruption by politicians has made the life of the Filipinos a living hell as it was the root cause to spread the darkness of destruction in our country. Corruption is now like a disease that filthy up the oceans callously and cut down all the hopes and dreams of the Filipinos for generations and generations. Our respective parents had suffered, we, their children and our children are now suffering and we cannot afford that tomorrow, the children of our children will suffer too. Therefore, we should be furious about that and we must all assert collectively and equally to stop it.

Indeed, surely, you readily react no matter what you’re doing at the moment just to go and help if you see anything bothering your child. No matter how nice of a person you are but if somebody messes up with your children you’ve got a fight on your hands. With more reason, we must fight and stop corruption against these traitors because all of us, the fathers, our children, and our country are in a much worse state.

In other countries, the fathers when their understandable rage against their corrupt politicians reached the boiling point, they took justice into their own hands by throwing these thick skulls into the garbage bin. The Filipinos must do the same to the corrupt Congressmen and the Senators and their likes.

Aren’t you afraid that if corruption continues, you’re going to work your whole life and nothing’s ever going to come of it and you’re going to die on a scrap heap of broken dreams with your mouth filled with bitter ash of failure? LET’S GO BIG OR GO HOME.

Saturday, December 8, 2018


If someone’s success or personality is too shiny, it’s easy to throw dirt at it but often you ignore that it’s your our own very shoes that are causing the dirt.

The presidency of PRRD is doing everything to solve the problems of the country that are causing hunger, poverty, violence, social breakdown and war. But the criticizing and laughing around him by the enemies continued without let up.

To these critics, especially the Catholic Bishops, who do you think you are? Look at you, big for your britches. You don’t need to show how amazing you are at the expense of another. Somebody asked Stephen Hawkins what his IQ was, and he said, I have no idea. He said people who brag about their IQs are losers.

The Catholic bishops live in pretension they’re like God likened to the bird riding on the carabao’s back and it thought it is also a carabao. From the very beginning, they were not at all moved by good faith and an honest motive. Those actions have already gone to unfathomable extremes. They scoffed and then make a negative comment about everything PRRD is doing even the most trivial of issues without any exception. So, it is arbitrary on the Bishops doing it against him.

As I was ruminating, I thought of Theodore Roosevelt’s speech in the early nineteen hundred’s where it says: “it’s not the critic that counts, it’s not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done it better. The credit belongs to the person who’s actually in the arena whose face is marred with blood and sweat and dust, who at the best, in the end, knows the triumph of high achievement and who at worst if he fails, he fails daring greatly.”

The foregoing quote was everything about these enemies of PRRD, especially the Bishops who keep on criticizing instead of helping.

More than 95% of the good things PRRD has done in 2 years have been accomplished with stuff that the enemies haven’t got a clue what they are. The brightness contains more than what you see in darkness. So, you are more ignorant than you are knowledgeable. Our cutting-edge still has a long way to go with PDU30 as president. So, please stop being a villain.

I mean, if you, the Bishops, have constructive information, feedback to give, the Filipinos would be glad to listen. But if you’re in the cheap seats, not putting yourself on the line, and just talking about how you think you could do it better, the Filipinos are in no way interested in your feedback.

Focusing on what’s right with our lives rather than what’s wrong with our lives is the best way to fix what’s wrong with our lives. Moreover, focusing on what’s right with the world is the best way to fix what’s wrong with the world.

Friday, December 7, 2018


The government represented by PDU30, on the one hand, and its citizens, including the priests, on the other hand, will receive its proper share of obligation and responsibility. The government rests the obligation and responsibility for that part which chiefly for the interests of the society and its citizen.

Correspondingly, everyone in the society who is the recipient of the safety and welfare from the government owes a return for that benefit, and the fact of living in society renders it indispensable that each should be bound to observe a certain line of conduct towards the hierarchy of the government. This conduct consists in not injuring the interests of the government from injury and molestation.

These conditions the government is justified in enforcing at all costs to those individuals who endeavor to withhold fulfillment. The acts of an individual may be hurtful to the government, violating any of the constituted rights of the President. The offender may then be justly punished by opinion, or by law.

The Presidency is the cradle of respect and pride of a country. The Catholic Bishops and the priests keep on mistreating and disrespecting PRRD. Due to their title as ‘Father’, the representative of God, the citizens worship them and do what they do. Henceforth, when the Bishops and priests went so far as to disrespect and mistreat the President with their exaggerated criticism and dissents with impunity, they have gone out of bounce in their professional conduct towards the President.

Consequently, PRRD’s comment that “It's Better to Kill the Bishops… they are useless” was a way to communicate verbally his boundaries has been crossed. It was a gesture of rebuke to remind all the Bishops and priests that the office of the presidency carries with it respect. Even if you don't like who occupies the office, you should show respect to the occupant nonetheless because...well, because he occupies the office.

Yes, there are pieces of evidence that the ethics and morals of the Catholic priests have decline; but it has certainly metastasized since the Benigno ‘Pnoy’ era. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Being a president is like the giant atlas that carries the world on his shoulders. It is in his hands that the destiny of your country and its citizens depend even if the journey may be like, boon or bane.

For the 80% ethical open-minded Filipinos, Pres. Duterte is most respected and admired and appreciated for his forthrightness, honesty, simplicity and above all, his political ideology. The Filipinos are assured that with PDU30, everything wrong done by the previous presidency of Benigno ‘Pnoy’ Aquino is going to be righted and he has the Filipinos’ best interest in his mind. Thus, our country doesn’t appear as declining but looks different now for the better, inspiring a whole palette of human emotions and joy.

But the media inundates the Filipinos with negative information opposite to what is remarkably happening and always telling the people what’s wrong about our country. A lot of this networks and individual pundits are taking unfair shots at PDU30. But again you got to take those barks and then win it with facts not just trying to push it down into the gutter even further.

You must only remember that these enemies of PDU30 are just playing politics. You see, in politics, all dissent merits a response even if it was a joke. Whatever it takes to beat PDU30, is worth doing.

Actual perfection was unheard of for the enemies. Understandably, the enemies always found fault- that’s what they’re there for.

The journey of life is all based on stories that each of us believes. The story that PDU30 is telling everyone is the best illustration that miracles happen and dreams come true. PDU30 illustrated every moment of the day his hard work and persistence to set you free from the shackles of poverty. Therefore, it is the faith of his leadership that will take all of us, you and me, to the very top. Never lose faith in what PDU30 can do as a human being. 

Monday, December 3, 2018


We should not make a mountain out of PDU30’s ‘marijuana joke’, which is just a molehill. What we see is not always what it seems. Rather than using our emotions and intellect to do what’s best, the anti-Duterte focus on destroying PDU30. These TV Channels, by allowing themselves to be the mouthpiece of the Duterte haters, the people will entertain the thought the lure of the wonders sure to be found on the other side is too strong for them to resist—an Adam and Eve apple-to-apple comparison. That’s why they love to hate him.

Those who know who are these enemies will just ignore them because you understand how they experience intense emotions and are often ruled by them with the urge to revenge. Shakespeare clearly thought revenge was as normal and predictable as the sun rising by one against another who kills his golden goose that lays the golden eggs.

The people who considered PDU30 as their enemy act revengeful with him even when they knew no good can come of their actions. Those actions can go to unfathomable extremes. They act that way because their vested interest has been prejudiced by the way PDU30 is running the government to their prejudice. They seem to believe without any doubt that by inflicting insults, pain, make PDU30 suffer, and seeing him as the enemy, they will feel better.

PDU30 will generally and wisely pass unnoticed any mere hasty and unguarded expression of passion, or at least pass it with simply a reproof. It is in human nature that there should be other than a bitter feeling, which often reaches to PDU30 as the cause of their misery. But PDU30 knows he will suffer none by passing it in silence. On the second thought, it will generally make these people who hated him ashamed of their own outbreak, and their dignity and reputation as a media are going out of bounce.

Sunday, December 2, 2018


These enemies of PDU30 will always resent, resist, oppose, and criticize every action he makes. They will not hesitate to deliberately employ misrepresentation or deception by designing a palpably put-up scenario just to simulate a case.

Look what these people particularly this senatorial candidate GARY ALEJANO who has been saying that PDU30 is selling our sovereignty to China under the guise of seeking loans. Of course, this is ridiculous, this is just purely speculation, surmises, and conjectures on his part. No one, not even the president, can cede any part of our territory because it is against the Constitution.

Correspondingly, ALEJANO is just prattling and bumbling even what he says is revolting to conscience and alienates the esteem of every just man, and commands neither respect nor acceptance.

It is indeed true that ‘a thief believes everybody steals’. That’s why Senatorial candidate ALEJANO and his kind always become deterministic about the implication of the partnership between the Philippines and China as what their thoughts have always been fixated. They are willing to dugout and tailored-cut anything to suit their illegal purpose.

ALEJANO, you know what? People believe in PDU30. They don’t care what others say against him. It is because the Filipinos believe that what PDU30 is doing is authentic. The optimism and open-mindedness of the Filipinos enable them to see that. For us, with PDU30, this is just the beginning of our road trip to progress with no one left behind. He’s doing what we like and we like the results from it, and we are enjoying the ride.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


In 2016, PDU30 with his team of leaders made a big promise. A promise that over the next 6 years of his term, the lives of millions of Filipinos are going to get better with no one left behind.

We’re now 2 years into the journey, the clock is ticking. If we off-track now, it’s going to get harder and harder to hit those goals. Based on the current direction of travel, there surely is a big amount of progress even in the midst of tremendous challenges that it faces. 

I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why there are people who sow seeds of destruction in their own country not with a bang but with a whimper. They do it by inciting an explosion of war and violence, by utterly destroying any attempt to create genuine development their society’s huge potential for growth, condemning their citizens to a lifetime of poverty.

They’re there for the benefit of elites who gain much from the extraction — whether in the form of valuable minerals, forced labor, protected monopolies, drugs, corruption — at the expense of society. Of course, such elites benefit from rigged political institutions too, wielding their power to tilt the system for their benefit.

These are the pariahs, the outcasts, more terrible, and more destructive. They have a devilish reputation, who live through fake news or old wives’ tale. They have nowhere to go and so they will bring down the country together with them into hell.


When PDU30 did something the people like, did you see any progressive publications? Did you see any dispatches from any of the progressive organizations praising with one word of praise for that? The mainstream media where people get their information is not gonna say anything good about PDU30. This is related to a critical attitude by the media towards him.

But whether or not the media will give attention to the good things PDU30 has done, they will get to live forever. While PDU30 look different from the perspective of the media, it doesn’t appear his dedication to serving the Filipinos is declining, nor are things as bad as the critics make it look.

The anti-Duterte campaign may be throwing down the vicious hammer upon him, but Filipinos in thousands are waiting with bated breath coiled themselves into their blocks just to see him everywhere he went.

In Duterte’s era, more than ever, the focus of honesty in his administration is going to go a long way. And that being said through honesty and transparency we can turn the obstacles into big opportunity.



Thursday, November 29, 2018



My God, this reminds me of when we were young. Last night Nov. 29, 2018, we celebrated our XUHS Batch ’68, 50 year Golden Jubilee, at Limketkai Atrium. It’s like a dream come true that many of us made it and we’re sorry for the 38 of our classmates who died. Everybody was watching us live on Facebook and at the venue itself because we feel like home.

Many of our classmates had been by ourselves like we were in our younger days dancing, laughing, and teasing each other the way we used to do in our high school days. The others chose to be more reserve projecting they have changed as if they were sad about getting old and that was just the way they thought proper to celebrate the event.

XUHS BATCH ‘68-- We have a different moment in time now, but the context of each of us whom we had fun together, and admire and respected are still the same. There’s been adversity in life’s lesson along the way, but we’re always ready for the next challenge.

Monday, November 26, 2018


The fear and threats employed by PDU30 to stop drugs, criminality, and corruption have limited impact on behavior. According to Science, it is the thrill of a gain that induces a person to change behavior. But My God, PDU30 is doing both, the warnings to STOP and the gain for progress for our country as REWARDS.

It is a deep-rooted belief, that if fear is induced, it will get them into action. But warnings and threats as scientists have proven have very limited impact on behavior. It is because the effect is just to tend to shut down and put our head in the ground and try to eliminate the negative feelings by making rationalizations. Then, you assume that there’s really nothing to worry about. And this process can actually make you feel more resilient than you did before, which is why warnings sometimes have this boomerang effect.

Science finds that people tend to change belief towards a more desirable opinion, which means people listen to positive information. People take-in information they want to hear than the information that they don’t want to hear.

So, therefore, we might as well go along with how our brain works and not against it. Then use these 3 principles that will really drive your mind and your behavior, namely:

1) SOCIAL INCENTIVES, which means highlighting what other people are doing is a really strong incentive. Being social people, we really care what other people are doing. We want to do the same and we want to do it better.

For PDU30, he has shown he is not a corrupt president and progress is now the fight of his life making our dream into reality. By Duterte’s example, the others will tend to follow because they also want to be part to seek progress.

2) IMMEDIATE REWARDS. We value immediate rewards that we can get now more than rewards we can get in the future. The here-and-now reward you would rather have than something that’s uncertain in the future. This is realistic because receiving the reward now is sure compared to in the future which is unsure.

In Duterte’s case, he has shown he leads by example he is not corrupt. Without corruption, progress abounds around the nation.

3) PROGRESS MONITORING. This means to get the people’s attention by highlighting the progress, not the decline. This is because the thrill of a gain induces action.

The build, build, build program by rolling out 75 flagship projects worth a combined total of $36 billion in investments must be highlighted. Some of them have already been finished and opened for public use. Many others are expected to be realized in the future.

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