Friday, January 28, 2022



COMELEC Commissioner Rowena Guanzon got too little ahead of herself when she let her affirmative vote to disqualify BBM out to the public even before the decision was officially released to the contending parties. As it is, she was behaving like a bull in a China shop always knocking things over and she has to answer for filling her big mouth with big words and end up eating dirt.

By tradition and in our system of judicial administration, a decision by any court, tribunal, and/or quasi-judicial body can have the force and effect only after it was officially released to the contending parties. Guanzon’s aberrant behavior in prematurely disclosing her vote to disqualify BBM could be considered null and void and deserves administrative sanction.

Commissioner Guanzon has indeed trampled upon the foregoing judicial norms. Truly, Guanzon was caught by the great tides of perturbing and overwhelming emotions opting to believe in the convincing illusions that her egos create. Now Guanzon must retire with her tail between her legs.

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