Sunday, January 23, 2022


The presidential candidates present in the Jessica Soho show they all have a blizzard of story to feast upon like they are the champion of the masses, the blue-collar worker, and the middle class.  They always make their fantasy run amok all the time just to have shockwaves rippling around.

We’ve all heard these old sayings countless amount of times: It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand; Noise proves nothing; Often a hen who has laid an egg cackle as if she has laid an asteroid; You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do; actions speak louder than words; and finally, never trust words, some people have sugar on their lips and venom in their hearts.

But sadly, for some reasons, many refuse to listen to the foregoing simple pieces of advice and the Filipinos end up having to pay the price as we expect blood in the water in the country while these greedy politicians are baring their teeth. WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN?


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