I keep harping and repeating this call to my countrymen hoping their 'brother-love' morality, which they had been too innocently generous to understand will come to their right senses and refrain from what they know is wicked and unrighteous. I’m also wishing that the light of the word does shine through to motivate them and heed the clarion call to reform.
This space of mine will often discuss the cause and effect which has become a pattern and has formed as the stronghold in the bones of many in choosing our political leaders based on money, looks, idolization, and adoration, and then the consequential damages that plague our country all the time. This cycle of the election, followed by the assumption of new political leaders, then, later, the worsening crisis we felt in our country due to corruptions, then rallies and demonstrations, then the rumors of coup d’Δ—tat.
If those Filipinos will not go cold turkey with this addiction in choosing our leaders, the problem will always turn into a vicious cycle with no end at sight, as we keep staring death in the face. This will keep on shuttling back and forth from election to election unless we ourselves will cut the Gordian Knot and resolve the issue once and for all.
This must be broken—or our nation will always be haunted by this vicious cycle of political leaders who keep coming and swarming like a plague of locusts taking turns at devouring and darkening our nation. With each and every occasion, as long as the people fail to quit said pattern, the crucial point is inevitable. Our country God forbids could soon be controlled by lynch mob—groups of people go and attack Malls, stores, and groceries-- get everything they can, killing anybody who stands their way. Then, the rich people will be thrown with rocks in their cars or in their homes and hanged; and the streets are empty with people for fear of being mauled and killed. The police and the armies cannot do anything because they also have their families to save. This had happened already in post-Civil War Southern American society. The result will be a dog eat dog nation and millions of Filipinos will die. The political leaders who caused the disaster will be fine as they have plenty of money ready in their cash bolts, and all they have to do is to go out the country at the first sign of the fracas.
We do not want that to happen. This is our country, our forefathers had established it through tears, sweat, and blood, and we cannot afford to fail them. It is the duty and the obligation of all those of good will to attempt to save this Nation and that starts with unity and to vote based on what we truly believe to be the "wisest" choice.
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