Wednesday, October 17, 2018


In our younger years when all we care were just fun and games and enjoy the green leaves of summer, we were indoctrinated to respect, believe, and be loyal to the government. We have learned them by rote and repeat them regularly from our families, the church, from school, even from the media. Proudly backing a county's leaders become natural for the loyal, patriotic citizen who will not be swayed for whatever reason. Many were brainwashed and have done it, still do it, and many more will continue to do it! 

But many found from those leaders with their minions and lackeys in the Benigno Pnoy era a treasure trove of horrors --the unrelenting corrupt practices and more looting of public funds, and then, pulverizing yet some more of our already impoverished and devastated nation that their metamorphosis was rapid. 

Supposedly honest and capable leaders with their slogan ‘Tuwid na Daan’ have been proven to be liars and incompetents. What goes through the minds of the loyal citizens when lies, deception, and demagoguery that brought our country to chaos is disclosed? What goes through the minds of the Patriots when promises and predictions of investments from abroad -- "cakewalk," "mission accomplished," "welcomed with flowers" -- never occur? Naturally, their lies with open-mouthed disbelief to play the fool like a host of faults... officious, vicious and suspicious as useless as a mongo to a drongo, stand outside discipline and false values, have surely made our loyalty armor vanished. 

These Yellows by any other name or by any color they wear are still the ones whose faces have sank a thousand ships and are going to fail us for life if we will give them the chance to lead us once more. There is no room for them even in hell. It is now in their nature to deceive, lie, and corrupt some more squeezing every drop of our blood like a vampire. They are the rare ones and no amount of masquerade and the charade they’re going to do, they are still the same because there can never be two perfumes in one flower. There is no need to trace their roots to find the results of your reactions because the nature of a thing is the product of its multiples, fools, and artificiality go hand in hand.

Let’s sort this country out. Let’s stop these robbers: the Yellows, the mainstream media, the election surveys from their ridiculous predictions. We are living in a sea of ignorance because the mainstream media have sold out. The Yellows can easily fool us they are winning in the Senatorial survey because the media keeps on spreading the result of the surveys whose sources have also sold out. These survey results are crappy and fake. We are being brainwashed by the media and these survey sources and let’s not be fooled again by its devil-may-care tactics. 

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