Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Who would want to support and vote for the opposition coalition candidates who are associated with the infamous party—the Yellow Liberal Party?

The Philippines during the Presidency of Benigno ‘Pnoy’ Aquino under the Yellow banner, the country was a kakistocracy government, one that is for the benefit of knave oligarchs at the expense of the leaders who are all fools. They were incompetent people or people who have the least qualifications or abilities to run the government.

The pushback from the Filipinos was so severe that the Yellow party coalition for 2019 election went decidedly downhill. They were blacklisted as shown in their campaign sorties which suffer from uneven attendance as they looked tired and puffy eyed.

It only meant the Yellow coalition sealed their fate and shuffled it into a downward spiral due to the debilitating reputation of the Yellows as the people who graduated from obnoxious to alleged criminals. The Yellow coalition’s established habit of corruption to Dengvaxia and greed for money and power, this is clearly the Yellows’ world and we’re all just living in it.

If you figure out the opposition Yellow Coalition as they toot their own horn, disseminating a hoax, spilling out swastikas, harassment, bullying, and assault and just disagreeing indiscriminately to everything that PDU30 is doing just to show that their light shines brighter. By doing so, they’re like building a fire with wet moss, which is unfortunately grotesquely clumsy.

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