When Duterte entered as president, the country was rife with political and moral decay but his determination to make a drastic change was a steady light in the dark. Then, PDu30 proclaimed in his inaugural speech: “Do your job and we will work together. Do not do them and we will part sooner than later.” “I serve everyone and not only one.”
The mere act of launching upon so glorious, so fateful a divine force, has created this propitious hour the receptivity which will enable a swiftly marching, stout-hearted, virile Nation, now standing on the threshold of its mission beyond the seas, to attract a fresh measure of celestial potency adequate to its growing needs and its ever-expanding responsibilities.
After which, comes Jaw-dropping swift and furious like a bolt of lightning, the miracle PRRD and his government have performed over so vast a territory with his lineal accomplishments in so short a time and under such adverse circumstances, cannot but augur well for the initial success of coordinated teamwork infinitely more meritorious, of far greater promise, and endowed with vastly superior spiritual potentialities.
Well, his body may not be as nimble as it once was, his soul remains as strong and determine as PRRD has proven that he can make a huge difference against all odds. He resembles like a kind of totem that rises formidably above the raging water but neither storm winds nor waves can bother it.
Corollarily, the strength of our country rests more on how well the Senators, inter alia, follow the path chosen by PRRD to progress, unity, and prosperity. The Duterte era is trying to weave a tapestry that will draw us together with a sense of awe and wonder-- the promise for justice and peace in our country.
Under the foregoing facts and circumstances, in order not to stave off what has been achieved so far, let’s support the candidates of PRRD that will continue to toe the line and March in rhythmic cadence with him to build traction and momentum for a clean government towards FEDERAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT. This is our only chance to be freed from the shackles of Presidential government like a rattling animal in a cage.
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