Saturday, March 23, 2019


The case against Chinese President Xi Jinping for crimes against humanity filed before the ICC by Albert del Rosario, and Conchita Carpio Morales can be everything for all the wrong reasons. It only shows they do not know which way is up, and so, it has created a spectacle drawing shockwaves rippling around endless road of slum and slime. Indeed, the move is tastelessly disdainful that exceeds everyone’s wildest dreams and expectations being done by high ranking retirees; this was almost a cliche’ of a washed-up fighter.

They said the Chinese actions would result in a “fisheries collapse” and food shortages in several nations on the rim of the disputed waterway. They further allege the Philippine government of Rodrigo Roa Duterte, has repeatedly and publicly declared his deferential attitude toward China and President Xi Jinping,” and therefore, had not taken up a case against Chinese incursions, thus, they sought ICC involvement.

What have these retirees gotten themselves involved in, I wondered? China is not even a member of the ICC. Their action is driven by ego spurred by uncontrollable pride and self-importance unmindful it will entail unimaginable collateral damage. The action of Del Rosario and Morales demonstrates what is called partisan one-upmanship or more specifically moral grandstanding of the opposition party showing a severe insolence for the PRRD. This will have an inevitable backlash that can cause a kind of bidding wars in a chain reaction that could be stratospheric.

They say they’re going to defend, protect, and improve the 350 thousand fishermen allegedly deprived to fish in the South Philippine Sea. Since when have these two seniles become the champion of the masses and take their struggle that will see them through?

Were they not deaf and dumb and had been shitting the Filipinos, have done far more damage to the country than any possible good during the Benigno Pnoy Aquino administration? To think how these two retirees participated in the corruption with the Yellows, their pretension as kind-hearted and protector of the masses is abysmal and hideous.

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