Thursday, August 16, 2018


Our country is now as fragile, weak and sickly as a flower eaten away by a hidden worm. So, what must be done then? Why aren’t we like that wise old bird standing on an oak that the more he saw the less he spoke, the less he spoke, the more he hears. I mean, the Filipinos must do their best in this very difficult circumstances if only to put a broken country back together.

Going back along the forgetting curve, by provably linking the present to the distant future when we will know so much. I find myself thinking we can be enriched by one another’s diversity for the more we can appreciate one another’s perspective, the more dimension, and depth we add to our own. All of us want a better life. Time is against us and we the 80 percent that support PRRD need to get our acts together and move very quickly.

Corruption has gotten to this point that it shows the depths of this crisis have descended to and it has set a terrible trend for the way we live our life. We have to be concerned with Corruption because we are living with its consequences. The crisis is almost a nationwide numbness to disaster, and that’s something that stands to harm all of us.

I remember fully well when PRRD warns the detractors that his bubbling temper is hidden only by a thin surface layer of civilized restraint and soonest a REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT might be established. How long are we going to wait for that D-Day to liberate our country from the evils of Corruption, Election Sabotage, Drugs, and Criminality? It is difficult to imagine how PRRD could have thought of plucking out such kind of strand to himself to the detriment of his reputation and his presidency. Is it a false statement coming out of the barrel?

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