I think it’s all across the nation that the COMELEC has been a miserable fiasco where the officials from top to bottom have used their power and their position to really abuse the electorates in any number of ways and that has simply got to stop. And that will end when like the Gordian knot of yore; all of them including the name COMELEC are ultimately unbound through one fell swoop of the sword.
The peoples’ stern warning intended to be taken seriously and committed to both heart and memory, the COMELEC should have been more solicitous in its task to steer clear of blunders, especially their repetitions, and to keep the election be rightfully and lawfully done. But the COMELEC again in 2016, egregiously demonstrates its apparent incorrigibility as exhibited in the hearing on July 31, 2016, on record showing res ipsa loquitur, a sinister pattern of bad faith to favor the chosen candidates therein for money and to foist fraud upon our country.
Res ipsa loquitor (the thing speaks for itself). The questioned actuation of the COMELEC and the attendant circumstances brook no explanation consistent with good faith or lack of malice and must be counted as constitutive of a Capital offense. Under the circumstances apropos the COMELEC, there was an inexplicable series of deceptions bereft of any redeeming feature and signifying fraud in every election.
I mean we’re not gonna be playing deaf and blind of these deceptions done to the Filipinos forever. They think it’s a big joke I mean all of them have made charitably false statements about their dealings with the people. They obviously don’t care. And you know what consequences have the Filipinos suffered so far while all the COMELEC officials keep laughing all the way to the bank.
It will not do, however, to dispose of the controversy by simply declaring the administrative culpability to these people in the COMELEC upon a matter literally dealing with life and death. It would surely leave hanging or in suspended animation the underlying issue of deception, fraud, and flaunting with justice and the law. Wherefore, the Filipino people as the sovereign power of the state where all government authorities emanate from them, we will compel the DU30 government to abolish the present COMELEC and create another commission to take charge of the elections.
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