Monday, August 6, 2018


This story was told to us by our Mother when I was in elementary. In so long time ago somewhere in the outskirts of a faraway place, a poor family consisting of the couple and their two children a boy and a girl accommodated a decent traveler to their house for the night sleep. A large chicken was prepared for dinner as a gesture of hospitality to their guest. As they started to eat, the mother divided the chicken in this manner: she gave the head and the right leg to the father because he uses his head to plan and he uses his legs to find a living; then she gave the other leg to her son because he uses his legs too with the manual jobs for the family; then she gave the breast to her daughter for when she gets married her breast will nourish her children; and the wings she took them because she is the one who will cover her children when cold, rain, and danger comes; and the soft pack she gave it to their guest.

The foregoing story irrefutably demonstrates that every part of the body symbolizes and represents everything that is complete, indispensable, and the ultimate source of life in the labyrinth of steep and dirty streets for survival. The Federalism jingle of Mocha Uson and Andrew Olivar began as a simple spectacle serving as crowd drawer. However, the gimmick has since taken on a life of its own, transforming what should be a molehill into a mountain built on sediments of compounded errors. The same aroused vitriol and exaggerated criticisms as they vehemently resisted the association of Federalism with the body parts of human beings, which was triggered by the media.

There are a number of factual matters in this case requiring incision or excision by the evidentiary scalpel. Contrarywise, such association was even relevant and therefore commendable as it sparks of brilliance in the way it was made. The untarnished truth is that Body parts, be it of humans or animals are always the bases for anything that is designed to function in whatever useful way you want it and all inventions on earth that we can find were patterned from the body parts of different creatures. Therefore, the criticisms are but puerile dialectics and conclusions devoid of rational support.

These critics cannot afford to be disrespectful and dare to talk with an unguarded tongue. They should know that it will take more than their mere filibuster, grandstanding, and unreliable criticism to lend an aura of respectability and credibility to their accusations against Mocha Uson and Andrew Olivar. They only demonstrated that their mindset was fraught with shortsightedness and timidity. They seem to cross that line between discernment and judgment so easily because they quickly devalue or write off those people as less valuable. They exclude them from the status that they feel privileged alone to occupy. This is a pharisaical attitude to adopt. Someone who is pharisaical preaches one thing and then does another — not a good trait for politicians or even the media practitioners.


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