Sunday, December 13, 2020



I can’t imagine seeing the government taking this kind of punishment from these corruptors as if conceding to the fight. The government must turn fear into fire and land a punch that would stave off this stratospheric avalanche coming at us, and not all the time was seen as kind of shrinking violet, shrugging shoulders, and the eyes are down.

These corruptors adhere to the well-established underworld lines which they all live by- the code of silence. This magic line became more aptly tagline: you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip. It was the waterloo for prosecuting the corruptors simply because of lack of evidence. As the Russians say: the deeper the forest, the farther the partisans.

Thusly, the corruptors just continued tearing the government apart in sections as it was clouded too much how to deal with corruption. We have to take another route and set the bar incredibly high to make our action reflect the level of the challenge which is incredibly tough. Let us therefore device something that would create a visual psychic disincentive for these corruptors not to corrupt. The only way is entrapment where the conviction is certain.

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