Wednesday, December 16, 2020


2) THE PACKAGE DEAL OF 25% REWARD OUT OF THE AMOUNT BEING CORRUPTED OR IN CASE OF BRIBERY, FROM THE AGREED AMOUNT OF THE BRIBE. This reward stands up as a huge factor that can lure any of the corruptors to become the primary agent of the government to stop corruption because the same will serve as a replacement of the amount he had lost as share from his fellow corruptors had he not turn to the side of the government. Simply said, if you want a person to work for you, give him more concession than what he is currently getting so he has nothing to lose. Just like the saying goes: a man with nothing to lose is a dangerous man. In fact, this reward serves as an expression of gratitude from the government to the hero helping catch the corruptors, thus, saving the government time, money, and effort, among others.

3) COVERAGE UNDER THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM (WPP) FOR LIFE. Now, more than ever, the threat of assassination for the hero is very real and surely it is a circumstance that no one wants to be in. To be under the WPP (Witness Protection Program) is a guarantee to the hero that he is officially under the protection of the government against anybody who wants to get revenge. This certainly gains him the respect, least of all, the attention from the would-be enemies that they cannot just press him back and savage him against the wall because the government is officially watching his back.

4) LIFETIME POLICE SECURITY. The reason for this is obvious. We let the cat out of the bag and being the cause for the entrapment of the corruptors, the hero can now be a sparkling appeal for execution by people all waiting in the wings for their shot at the golden bull each time out. You know, it’s the threats you don’t see that kill you. So, you get police security that’s proven to protect you while you’re back is in the firing line.


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