Tuesday, December 15, 2020



In the ultimate sense, who would want to commit corruption when the corruptors couldn’t trust each other anymore even their own shadow? Otherwise, they would be entrapped by anyone of them, and take note, entrapment is the surest way to convict a culprit. It is an old saw that, it is only the danger that is clear and present that criminals must yield to the thought-- IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY.

Corollarily, it is my idea to give the basic incentivization that beckons and motivates the corruptors themselves to become the primary agent to stop corruption. I call it “THE COMPREHENSIVE REWARD PROGRAM TO STOP CORRUPTION” WHICH CONSISTS OF 6 PACKAGE DEAL REWARD TO BE GIVEN TO WHOSOEVER CAUSE THE ENTRAPMENT OF THE CORRUPTORS.


Number 1- HE WILL BE GIVEN PUBLIC RECOGNITION AS A HERO BY AWARDING EMBLEM CORRESPONDING TO A MEDAL OF VALOR OR PRESIDENTIAL MERIT MEDAL WHICH ONLY HE IS AUTHORIZED TO WEAR. This is necessary in order to convince all people beyond anything that his heroic act is forever recognized as he clearly as ever stands a solidified elite Filipino as what many others would consider greatness, making him an all-time classic that met every expectation even after his death. There is no other greatest thing a man could dream about in his lifetime than to leave a lasting legacy for his family and to his country. It is also the only way to ensure that after his heroic deed has faded away from the spotlight, everything that happened is NOT quickly forgotten, washed away, and he wouldn’t rate a second glance. His heroic deed would never be likened to a long tradition which usually how humans function and that is: there is no more need to need after the need has been satisfied.

To be continued on the 5th part of the 7 series---


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