Saturday, March 21, 2020


Each of us is different and unique as to how we think, perceive and feel. But despite our differences, we are connected with each other and to one another. We might picture ourselves as--

A wave on the ocean arising from the water and form a line of countless other waves as they move in unison crisscrossing from a million different centers of energy and traveling in the longitudinal strip in rhyme and rhythm laden with emotional aura as they roll down to the shoreline in wonderful marvel then splashing and crashing one after another endlessly repeating the sound as if dancing to the tempo of unionization.

Today, in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is just an unstoppable juggernaut that has torn the world asunder, our country, our flag, and our pride as Filipinos are all at stake. Our very survival depends on our ability to toe the line what the government demands us to stay at home in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.

Our country is in the condition of a human body in a state of suspended animation—the heart still beats—the principle of vitality is unextinguished—but the active functions of life are suspended. PRRD, who never is out of calling distance, constantly juggle the books to stay our country afloat, and keeps trying to breathe the breath of confidence into it that it will be at once resuscitated.

This call for a nationwide lockdown that lifts neighborly concern beyond one’s tribe, race, and class is, in reality, a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love by PRRD for all Filipinos. The Covid-19 pandemic is just constantly the Grim Reaper pulling down the country while PRRD is pulling up and saving it.

Together we must learn to live as brothers otherwise together we will be forced to perish as fools.

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