Sunday, March 22, 2020


In containing the Covid-19, you cannot just do it by clicking your heels together. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

Malacanang Palace requested for emergency powers for PRRD to take over private hospitals and businesses”. But SP Tito Sotto says it is questionable. I say, if the requested emergency powers be denied by Congress, the country will get jumped by things that you might be sorry and regret it. Awareness and readiness are your best tools against any danger.

The statement and downgrading of the emergency powers by SP Sotto is problematic in a lot of aspects. COULD THE CONGRESS BE MAKING A MAJOR MISTAKE THEY’LL COME BACK TO BITE THEM?

In the Covid-19 pandemic, no seasonal subtleties occur here. The merrymaking season is fleeting as it abruptly ends and the unforgiving misery turns fertile planes to dust. Yes, a treacherous pedestal such as Covid-19 dominated the entire country and what lies down the road is a gantlet of death.

Comparing the daily data between those that had recovered as against those who had been found positive from the Covid-19, we have some very low wins and tough losses. In means, everything else pales in comparison against the horrifying triumph of the Covid-19 that is sweeping the planet.

Therefore, We have to be crafty to understand the lessons WE got from other countries who suffered from the Covid-19 ahead of us and WE will prevail. Ignoring them and WE fight in darkness.

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