Wednesday, March 18, 2020


In the light of Covid-19 pandemic, it's an interesting point of view and understandable in some ways, to demonstrate either to ourselves or others that we are at our best and more than a shining example of excellence to exhibit stability under pressure.

At this moment of fear and anxiety, we can still show a “Perfect Poise” just so we can help others restore some more balance and equilibrium into each other’s lives, to calm us down and make life better.

Shakespeare in Hamlet wrote: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” How we think and perceive things results in the experience to match our expectations. As Ronald Harris has often said, "The expected sensation tends to be realized."

In other words, if you believe something will happen, you will bring about the circumstances to make it happen. What you think is what you get.

So in consideration, it may seem like a good idea to think positively about our situations in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let's switch thinking, change horses and think of solutions, of positive outcomes of happy times of joy, success, reward, and love.

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