Thursday, September 13, 2018


Understanding the article entitled “Shabby Family” allegedly from the comments of COMMODORE VICENTE CEJOCO, AFP, PMA CLASS 82-- Antonio Sr, PMA class 1959, when assigned at the PMA Baguio, and his wife riding on the occasion were corrupt. So the syllogism is Antonio Sr and his wife are corrupt. Senator Trillanes is their son. The conclusion is Sen. Trillanes cannot be otherwise but is also corrupt. With such vilification, the refusal on the part of Sen. Trillanes to face head-on the charges thrown against him and to his parents by Commodore Cejoco, is contrary to the impulse of an innocent man, who when accused of wrongdoing is eager to express his innocence at the first opportune time. But Sen. Trillanes did not. 

I agree that the façade that Trillanes wants to portray to the public as immaculately honest person fitted to be a savior to this country is finally removed as the mask is finally exposed because it has been the charade for decades. He is flat out bogus and is moving straight out of his father’s playbook which has drilled into his veins. As it is said, even if you put a dress silk on a goat it is a goat still. 

In fact, from the findings of Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), Trillanes’s creed is mine, mine, mine, who cares if there is still left for others to survive; you can rob and steal in your way to glory. It is a mindset based on a mantra to “own everything” if given a chance. In the words of Robert Browning, “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp/or what’s a heaven for?” 

More words, Trillanes cannot afford to be disrespectful and dare to talk with an unguarded tongue and/or with a baleful pen because he has a treasure trove of vilest and distasteful reputation.

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