Sunday, September 2, 2018


PRRD just left the country for an Official visit to Israel and Jordan. PRRD has always emphasized that in his administration, our country is a friend for all and there are no enemies at all. The Filipinos would have to realize that from the very start of PDu30’s presidency, he has always been a believer that it was through political participation rather than armchair or fence-sitting approach would make one change unhealthy system along with others who held the same view. Nothing happens until something moves.

Even PRRD faces disappointments on a day to day basis and has had his own share of disappointments from people who always keep a level of skepticism about him, but they are never enough to get him down and make him abandon his dreams and aspirations to make the lives of the Filipinos better. He knows that every little blow adds up to something. Every bite of the cherry moves him forward. Every step in the right directions gets him closer to his goal.

It is paramount for PRRD that our country is protected; that the Filipinos are afforded the basic necessities of life and that all agencies of the government are in coordination to facilitate life-saving humanitarian access. Frankly, everything PRRD achieves was bought with pieces of time he sold from his life to a job that will never have paid enough when his time is up. Nevertheless, PRRD begins his presidency with an untarnished sense of wonder more like the universe sort of guiding him, and he has that capacity to experience total joy at something as simple as the greenness of a leaf.

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