Friday, June 19, 2020


A well-packaged web of lies, hatred, screwed facts, this time by GMA 7 which took over the role of Abs-Cbn that in their news, their utterances are casting aspersions to the government, making up anything that will shake the community like the thunders of prophecy. It has become a sarcastic proverb that a thing must be true if you hear it on television. The result had been that we are daily overfed and suffer a surfeit. By habit we stow this much every day, indeed, we almost get tired of it.

But the enemies’ shenanigans have become so completely familiar and prosaic as to seem platitudinous. They are doing it because the oligarchs told them to do it. It is a sad day that the enemies of PRRD are drawn to their self-destruction like a moth to the candle. They are the people who are lost, scattered in the winds of time beyond the memory of man.

Nevertheless, PRRD wins against all the odds as he became light as brilliant and piercing as the brightest star for the Filipinos. It is because he does his thing not to be exalted but the people exalted him for everything he does; he is not tall but he stands up tall and takes control; he is not driven by circumstances but by the dream of the Filipinos they have dreamt for long; he does not abide by the common norms of the society but he makes his own rules to save lives and instill order for the country; he does not depend on destiny but the result of his action is his destiny; and when his enemies give him their worse to oust him, he gives them his best to serve the Filipinos.

Never you mind, these enemies are all bark but no bite. It is just that their whim and fancy carry them or their unpleasant loneliness makes them go into dungeons of no return.

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