In the campaign as a candidate, politicians compete to stand out in the eyes of the public to win their support. But the way how they convincingly assured the people they have a great soul and vast views for their bright future, they suddenly change gear from praise you up into rip you off after they won, all because of their greed for money.
All the time, the Filipinos have been lured into a false hope. No matter what the politicians say during the campaign, they have become hooked to fraud, dishonesty, and deception as soon as they are sitting on their perch and they become too bad as a sucker for the rest of their term because they find us impotent.
Certainly, they give our country a bad name. I have known from people all my life that politicians are thieves with a smile. Indeed, if they promise you what they are going to do and you voted for them because you believe them in all honesty, but they did not perform, that’s fraud and deception, and the Filipinos must condemn in the strongest sense of the word. And that’s exactly what we’ve found.
If a lot of people will realize their fault why they keep on voting this breed of traitors into public office, a lot of people could be left with a lot less pain. I don’t know why some of you have to flat-out hit rock bottom-- emotionally, financially, mentally, and spiritually in order for you to repent.
What has happened to our country and to you has a lesson for us all.
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