Look what’s happening now, Sen. Drilon imputed to newly appointed Comelec Commissioner Aimee Torrefranca Neri she was involved in a 10 million bribery when she was DOJ Asst. Secretary. The allegation ruffled the nerves of the entire world. The said accusation indeed has more semblance than substance. For me, Sen. Franklin Drilon’s grasp exceeds his reach. You know, his time of almost 3 decades as a public official holding different top positions in the government under different presidents hasn’t taught him. We, lawyers very well knew that allegation is not proof and is not synonymous with guilt. Such a tale from Sen. Drilon is contrary to human experience and our way of life, and thus, calls for absolute rejection. You know, it’s not easy to throw mud when you’re full of holes.
“Reputation in the legal profession is a plant of
tender growth, and its bloom, once lost, is not easily restored. Material
loss can be repaired or adequately compensated. But the debasement of the human
being - broken in morale and brutalized in spirit — can never be fully
evaluated in monetary terms. The wounds fester and the scars remain to
humiliate him to his dying day, even as he cries in anguish for retribution,
denial of which is like rubbing salt on bruised tissues.”
I say to Sen. Drilon, you’re making a nonsensical point now and i think you
should crawl back into your hole.
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