recently, have expressed exasperation over the state of corruption in the
government, prompting him to think about resigning as President of the country.
Mayor President, SIR, sometimes, our eyes need to be washed by our tears once
in a while, so that we can see with a clearer view the one troubling us.
What better way to solve corruption than that the corruptors themselves will feel that every transaction has the potential to be a real dragnet. So, rather than be part of the corruption, one might as well choose the alternative that is beneficial for him, by having the other party entrapped and get the reward. This is a situation where if they choose to commit corruption, it is like he gave the other a sword to ram him through.
REMEMBER, this package deal benefits which much be huge is the only way that will separate the widespread perception that is genuinely felt by everyone that after his heroic deed has faded away from the spotlight, everything that happened is quickly forgotten, washed away, he wouldn’t rate a second glance. It is likened to a long tradition which usually how human functions and that is-- “There’s no need to need after the need has been satisfied”.
The huge package deal reward doesn’t count much anymore because winning against CORRUPTION justifies everything.
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