We are now
becoming crushed under a tidal wave of the unfathomable number of fatalities of
the coronavirus that created a firestorm throughout the world. I want to remind
everybody of the oft-quoted cliché’ A CHAIN IS ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST
LINK. You heard it and you live by it.
In reference to
the coronavirus, the whole country is now facing the grim reality of the
coronavirus pandemic. The success of the entire Nation to combat the disease
depends on the success of each LGU. This means, if one part of something is
weak, it jeopardizes the integrity, quality, or effectiveness of the whole
Nation. So, our fight to defeat this unprecedented viral disease is as strong
as its weakest LGUs. If one LGU fails, the whole country fails.
It is the
responsibility of the leaders and managers to see how these weaker LGUs play
out in their respective areas, and helping them with their biggest concerns and
issues to make up the gap and step-up with their performance.
Acting on
“duty” contrary to inclination results in self-abnegation (self-denial;
self-sacrifice). Acting on whim contrary to reason results in self-destruction.
We must unite among ourselves and our flag and country.
Let’s not be
playing the blame game against one another. Blaming is easy, leading is hard.
The hard truth is: the President is doing a fantastic job, never dodging his
responsibility and everyone who has been paying attention at all knows that.
The mission to
combat the coronavirus is our country’s National Undertaking that if we don’t
have the consensus among us in the first instance, then, We can’t fight it. No
numbers of bombs or soldiers or whatever are going to accomplish the objective.
What the task today is to pull together our consensus that drives up the
mission which the success or failure depends on all of us.
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