Sunday, April 19, 2020


The BFAD must act quickly to approve the Antiviral Injectable of Dr. Willie Fabunan. The BFAD cannot be like the story of a farmer who planted grass and tells his horse to live longer until the grass has time to grow. This serves as a clarion call to action to the BFAD.

To delay the approval with such a cheap shot reason that the BFAD is overloaded with the volume of work left a bad taste in most people’s mouths that are in a dire state as you could imagine. When we consider it in whole stock, the BFAD is now in the epicenter above the focus of everyone while their lives hang in the balance.

We must defeat the Covid-19 and this is not possible unless we work as a seamless team.

The BFAD must shape up or, they must ship out if they cannot march in cadence with PRRD. He is leading the pack and he puts his arm around the collective team and said follow me, boys. When he fires around, you fire too. If he’s running hard you run hard too. Get your energy up right now fellows.

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