Monday, April 6, 2020


There are so many people of course including me who are grateful for the work PRRD is doing. But also frankly concern with how hard he’s working. So, how are you doing through all these in this hard-working times Mr. President, particularly your own health and well-being?

You know, with the spread of the coronavirus, we’re learning so many things and the most important of which is, which leaders in the world deserve the title of Great Leader. In the case of PRRD, every day, he shows the Filipinos why he is the right President for this moment or any other moment. Indeed, PRRD is rising to the occasion in a spectacular way. And the thing I’ve been enjoying about him is that in these dark times, he also provides us with some entertainment. And by the way, he also yields some gems when he talks.

PRRD is overwhelmingly popular and his tough-on-terror image is widely admired.

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