Friday, October 11, 2019


PRRD’s decision for Albayalde to remain as Chief PNP if only in the interest of due process should not bring Albayalde’s hopes up. I know PRRD is always aware of his virtue that if he appoints you to a position in the government, you can’t straddle the line because he is going to pull the plug on anyone if he catches you doing that. Albayalde decided not to come on board to his duties and responsibilities 100%, thus, he fell into a grave dug by his own inner demons.

Albayalde thought he could have got scotch free when he became the Chief PNP on April 19, 2018; and that golden years are ahead for him. But he cannot escape the ghost of his past and clouds were gathering on the horizon, and the good times couldn’t last forever. Truthfully, good fortune is sometimes balanced by the unfortunate. As any gambler will tell you: lady luck can be fickle and not very ladylike.

Shakespeare wrote: “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” People who have it all have everything to lose; and the secrets in their lives would wind up costing them everything.

The investigation into Gen Albayalde’s conspiracy and cover-up of the Ninja Cops in the “Agaw Bato” scheme in Pampanga in 2013; the recycling of the drugs that were confiscated by the police operatives who admittedly had been the protégé of Albayalde, and the robberies, thefts, and break-ins that became their stock and trade up to the present gathered up a head of steam.

It was a crime beyond the pale that horrified the nation. As the evidence keeps building up in the Senate hearing, the scenario that Albayalde had well and truly crossed the line with no scruples to himself as the protector and coddler of the “13 Ninja Cops” loom large.

If Albayalde had still one shred of decency in himself, he has to admit to the crime of conspiracy with the Ninja Cops before he goes for retirement. Albayalde has relatively stained that uniform he has been wearing. More than that, the horror the Senators had unleashed against Albayalde vis-à-vis the Ninja Cops is a stain that will never be erased from the PNP psyche.

They have the kind of life it’s easy to admire, But Chief PNP Albayalde, Maj Baloyo, and the 12 others; they all hold dark secrets that ruined many lives. Nevertheless, they must remember, revenge is a dish best served cold and everybody crosses a dock street by themselves sooner or later. That’s what the Filipino people have been waiting for, to get even with Albayalde and the 13 Ninja Cops who turn against their oath in an extraordinary deceptive way. Now, it was time to even the odds against the paralyzing effect of their horrible crime and it is on its way with a vengeance. Suddenly, the long arm of the law will finally spell out the truth. Gen Albayalde and the 13 Ninja Cops’ case brought along hard look in the mirror.

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