If you agree we are facing countless problems in our country right now, who caused them? It is the Aquino III previous administration! Nevertheless, if you listen to the news in all TV networks, you will always notice that every news about PDU30 is all inflammatory, vitriolic, all smoke and mirrors to dehumanize him. The TV networks never report anything good about him, and if they cannot evade such important news and they have to report it, they minimize what happened. Whereas, on the side of the detractors, what the TV networks always show are all ‘high bars’ for them. These media who allowed themselves to be used by the detractors of PDU30 are not exactly taking the high road and I think it might fit into the category of some of the immature discourse that we’ve seen. There is much important news happening around about the good things PRRD is doing but we may never know because no reporters and TV channels care.
The media should use their common sense that the ultimate goal of the enemies is to create disorder to our country and at the first sign of chaos; they will immediately leave the country as they have everything ready for their escape. We can’t be naïve about them because these detractors and destabilizers were the ones who ruined our country during the Pnoy administration with the pretext of duty; and he who does not take them into consideration is not erroneous, but mad, metaphysically mad. A concerned citizen, never losing sight of principles, is to be guided by circumstances; and judging contrary to the exigencies of the moment, may ruin his country forever.
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