Thursday, July 12, 2018


All of us are way more than what we think that in times of trouble, we have to be more than we are because if we aren’t, we’re not going to survive. Our country is relatively in trouble because the enemies of the state are relentlessly rocking the boat and putting our stable society in danger. Now is the time PRRD must realize the solution of the problem he is facing does not come only from his inner circle because there were so many instances where grand ideas from brilliant advisers turned out disastrous. Creative people always immerse themselves in vast amounts of material and have to absorb a vast number of ideas that have been thought by others. It always involves getting inspiration from a vast of different ideas from all kinds of sources.

It is the idea from different sources, from different people of different levels, from different idiosyncrasies, of less brilliant ideas that we should listen and heed. After all, more often, the solution of a problem comes from an unexpected source. Great things come in small packages. Believe in this, the big problem does not require big solution but small inspiration, this means, in solving a problem, you don’t immediately look for a solution, but just small thing that will give you the inspiration from which comes the idea that will light up everything which before was dark.

Temujin/Genghis Khan was inspired by a single arrow which represents a single tribe that it can easily be broken but many tribes together would be strong, they could never be broken. Steve Job got his inspiration that created the computer from the meow of a cat. Carnegie convinced the people that the bridge he constructed was strong and stable by using the elephant to cross it because the elephant would not cross a bridge if it is not strong and stable. Salt is just a tiny crystal but a giant impact because salt has a superpower over power. Salt saved both food and people. This tiny crystal built our roads, our canals, our cities, and allowed civilization itself to rise. History transformed by the simple chemistry of salt and the invisible way that salt draws moisture out of things.

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