Thursday, June 28, 2018


PRRD wants to build a bridge to a rational world that the better part of humanity can cross, thus, he endeavors to have PEACE TALKS with the CPP-NPA-NDF. However, if you examine Jose Maria Sison’s idiosyncrasy, you will know he is not actually after of forging peace with our government, but he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. In any negotiation, you get some and lose some; it is a give and take proposition. But just imagine the demand of Sison to enter into peace talks is to release all the political prisoners first, which for PRRD, it was the only card he had to play, it was the only weapon he had in the arsenal that he thought would make an impact, thus, he could not accept.  

The uncompromising stand of Sison of take it or leave it, inescapably shows he is not after all for peace but to continue fighting. He doesn’t care about the lives that will be lost because he is in the safe haven in the Netherlands. Sison is like Emperor Nero that while a fire destroyed the city of Rome, he played his violin. Man, you have to be way more than you think, stand up, do something difficult and heroic that burst out of your barns. 

We have to be more realistic that in life, it is a two-way traffic, that it is not only all take for you but also you have to give. Do not be like a lion that always has the lion’s share, first to eat and last to leave, and then, sleep, play, and merry. Remember, in life, we may not have a big stashed away but no one knows what tomorrow brings. But the most important thing of all is when you will not be around anymore; the people you had helped will put it in words how wonderful life had been while you were in the world. The love and appreciation they had on you will be expressed and showered to all like the transmitter of the energies that the electric current is carried not only in but also over and around the wired world.

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