Thursday, December 1, 2022



I’m not about to sit here and give you a whole spiel, but the Filipinos are waiting for some content, some cold hard content why corruption is still very much alive and bursting with a flash from an old-fashion approach into a modern-day world type scheme to commit it. One of the disturbing aspects of the matter is that, instead of moving forward to positive trajectory towards getting rid of corruption, Pres. Marcos, Jr., curiously enough, had the crime of corruption very much in his rearview mirror and he just couldn’t place his finger on it. Strangely, such errant ways of going astray, shirking away from responsibility by Pres. Marcos, Jr., the corruptors are committing corruption in a free-wheeling and loose spirit, in form or manner; breaking all the norms with undeniable dominance. For now, the corruptors are manhandling the nation’s native state into a dog pile on the rabbit. They are the boss in the field.

Heretofore, you all have been paranoid or full of anxiety because the government keeps dragging out the spectacle instead of sparking corruption out quickly. Feeling abandoned, disappointed and on the verge of defeat, it was time to awaken Pres. Marcos, Jr. to fight back. Enough with the survival mode. It was time to map out a worthy plan to deal with this serious issue of corruption; and that the corruptors be prosecuted as they keep stealing from the coffers of the government in king-sized portions simply for the love of money. The fact of the matter is, the Filipinos are just fed up with corruption happening anywhere in every department and agency of the government across the country outdoing one another. That’s why, the latest evolution about corruption that these public officials began for decades, we want them over and culminated now; write it off full stop.

Some people learned already how to defend against corruption through social inference and by association with living examples from the life we live that teaches us the lessons. Pres. Marcos, Jr. must welcome different ideas, and value everyone’s own contribution by showing them appreciation and respect, and then, solidify which one is really effective in battling Corruption, instead of a laid-back look. That’s just how the world works. Great ideas are adopted, built upon and improve. That’s how technology, that’s how art and science and everything in life progresses. That is at its core where innovation of any sort begins.

The only important thing is that Pres. Marcos, Jr. must realize that corruption is the root cause of all the evils that’s happening in our country; in the sense that no matter what he does, it will not result to the nation’s economic growth, unless corruption is resolved.

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