Thursday, July 9, 2020


Whether we can still prevent the Abs-Cbn to eventually darken and devour our nation, may depend upon how the voting turns out that the Congressmen will cast today.

The Congressmen have already unearthed the truth that the Abs-Cbn are run by people who succumbs to the DESTRUCTIVE ideology of causing pain and hardships, perdition, and curse to our country and its Citizens. They sabotage and bamboozle the government from the standpoint of insatiable greed which is never anything you could have imagined. The most heartless in character, and the most despotic in its tendencies. They are the people determined as hell to oust PRRD.

All Filipinos including the Congressmen who are steadfast in standing behind PRRD must protect the kilometric list of the good things achieved by PRRD in just 3 years of his presidency. Until we steer our destiny with glory to save ourselves, these senseless glutton, the Abs-Cbn, and the oligarchs will continue to imprison us, destroying anyone who speaks against their ambitions.

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