Thursday, November 28, 2019


The SEA Games brought us tremendous twist and turns from the bizarrely contradictory entire offense of the media’s fake news running in all cylinders like a pack of stray dogs combining forces living up with their trademark as a reservoir of backwardness. You see, letting their fantasies go wild and delusional, all their thoughts are always making the Duterte government look fragile, weak and sickly as a flower eaten away by a hidden worm. But the overwhelming majority of the Filipinos fought back right at the skeptics and the detractors as they always do especially in crunch time. We are all in you together.

Your plight is breathtaking, and this is what hell feels like when the people who you believe would take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger. It may humble you, confuse you, or even shock you. Your experiences don’t just make it possible for us to know where the story might go; they demand that we go with it.

Nevertheless, let’s remember, creativity is born out of a tragedy that is felt by many and all around us. If you can say anything you can be anything you want. You can find your power and freedom saying out loud, I am a Filipino and I am proud. Yes, you must be scared about your future. You know the truth, you know the reality.

It takes patience and composure which you had both. Open your creative mind; get them to think outside the box. Man, we have to push it, we have to find it, it’s in there, it’s somewhere here, and you didn’t know you have it all in you. Bring yourself to the truth and you will be set free. Follow your own path and take responsibility whatever is thrown at you.

But when all is said and done, where the spotlights beam its brightest, something magical will happen and we all bear witness to the championship gods rewarding incredible perseverance and teamwork. GOOD LUCK BROTHER, WE CARE ABOUT YOU.

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