Sunday, July 21, 2019


PRRD is a once in a lifetime phenomena. There’s never been a president like him before and I doubt there ever will be again. I called PRRD’s story as a Mayor of Davao and now as president of the Republic, a myth equaled to that of any Greek or Roman Hero. PRRD is a symbol of hope for millions of Filipinos. And yet, behind the hype and glory, PRRD has never forgotten his humble beginnings.

PDU30 is an ordinary person but blessed with an island of extreme talent though unfortunately in a sea of a lynch mob media vectored by Yellow coalition destabilizers driven by the lust for power and greed for money. Their end goal is to get back to power and they are too desperate that failure is not an option. Duterte is too good a leader who is supported and loved by the 85 % of the Filipino population as the recent Pulse Asia survey revealed. He has built a powerful personal foundation that will shatter any roadblocks that may stand in the way of his aspirations to build a country to prosperity. His words guaranteed to get results and he can exactly thrust his sword where it was needed, so to speak.

These enemies are the sophisticated assassins with the power of life and death of millions of Filipinos because they can buy out all and sundry with their looted money during their heydays in the past Pnoy regime. Their habits, their obsessions, the whims of these people capable of subjecting the entire population to their destructive madness, they systematically employ drum up accusation on EJK and Authoritarian regime against PDU30.

Despite these charges are inconsistent with the reality of the situation in the country, however, the procedural aspect of the case has since taken on a life of its own, transforming what should be a molehill into a mountain built on sediments of compounded errors but spread like wildfire applying the Hitler-Goebbels analogical tactic.

Now, the noise of their fabricated lies had become like a rock band music that some Filipinos had difficulty telling the difference between the fictional world of television and what real life was. The media was going to milk that for all they are worth because it’s a recipe for PRRD’s health breakdown. With his age of 74 years old, a highly stressful situation, a pressure cooker situation, and they just keep getting this powder keg going, the intention of these people who are inhuman without any more emotions is clear, that they anticipated Du30 will die soonest by exhaustion.

It’s about time people cultivate wisdom from their experiences of the past and be an enlightened adept against the Yellow party and their coalition’s skill in the principles of persuasion. But as soon as they got what they wanted with all the riches and fame, the lives of the masses is thrown by the wayside. It’s been said: “It is a universal rule that there is no need to need after the need has been satisfied”.

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