Monday, April 29, 2019


The National Election on May 13, 2019, is undoubtedly an epic battle that thrilled us all with the Senatorial candidates’ incredible display of artistry, skill, high drama, shouting and screaming. 

But that’s not why I’m here making this FB Post today. It was the money-making scheme of the media and the SWS, and the Pulse Asia. They are the entities that the candidates are eager to rubberneck with their millions to become their favorites. And these favorites are ready to crush our big hopes and dreams after they won.

The media, especially the Abs-Cbn, their hostility to PRRD have been crystal clear as they are pushing too far in displaying their true power in favor of the Yellows’ Otso Deritso. 

The Abs-Cbn and the other TV channels shamelessly are acting as a proverbial shield for the Otso Deritso by taking people’s minds away from the evils the Otso Deritso are known to. Likewise, these TV Channels always made it a point to give the Otso Deritso the wide range of coverage and exposure as compared to PRRD’s candidates which exposure is just the piping hot gravy on top of the Otso Deritso’s mashed potatoes, so to speak. 

On the other hand, the pre-election surveys of the Pulse Asia and the SWS are unbelievable with Grace Poe as the number 1 with the reelectionist Senators tagging behind in the magic 12. The survey is beyond belief because these re-electionists are the ones whose natural aversion to lies, flattery, and pretense made them unsuitable for a career as a civil servant. The pre-election survey is, in fact, disconnected from reality, and therefore, always results in disappointment and sorrow. 

The reality that should compose the magic 12 which the media and the SWS and Pulse Asia are trying so hard to stamp out is the following: Bong Go, Bato, Tolentino, Gadon, Chong, Ong. These candidates resemble like a kind of totem that rises formidably above the raging water but neither storm, winds nor waves can bother it. Their private lives are private, their brilliance undisputed, their demeanor, a model for all. And the remaining 6 Senators that would complete the magic 12 would be a toss-up.

The Otso Deritso with their godfathers who hold us back to progress by crushing the creative and competitive spirit of PRRD, they are doomed. So are the media who threaten to destroy the government under PRRD. They’ll go down for the count come hell and high water.

Saturday, April 27, 2019


The 2019 National Election is just barely 3 weeks from now. We must not forget that the Otso Deritso candidates are part and parcel of the poisonous tree of the Yellows that they are the extension of the exclusionary rule as the fruits of the poisonous tree which is also poisonous. 

During the regime of Benigno ‘Pnoy’ Aquino in 2010 to 2016, the Yellows controlled the government from the Senators, Congressmen, and the LGUs. They were catapulted to power with their rhetoric of promises of “Tuwid na Daan” but all found out the blessings that were expected from them turned out to be cursed. 

In this election, in the Otso Deritso campaign dynamic, they made as to their epitome of excitement, such cruel accusation against PRRD gained by artifice or contrivance with asterisk suggesting there’s a quirk like a steel tomb encasing PRRD as less valuable as a President that they feel privileged alone to occupy.

Indeed, the accusation though absurd is a fateful blow that even the toughest can crack. But the fact is, because of PRRD, the Philippines is now like a surfer on the cutting edge of development as we broke down the wall of corruption, drugs, criminality, insurgency and we emerge into a progressive country. 

In fact, PRRD has just arrived today from China as he sought more ‘Build, Build, Build’ deals. Thusly, it has shown us that the way the Otso Deritso candidates actually see the country under PRRD is wrong.

Then, again, they recited a litany of promises in an exaggerated fashion. But how can they be believed with their promises and be expected to abide by, adhere to, and comply with them? Matter of factly, during their incumbency they were riding high and chewed up by the principle "to the victors belong the spoils." 

As a consequence, in the lust for power, and in the greed for a spoil, the well-being, welfare, and security of the citizens are trodden down, and the dearest interests of a better life are gambled with for the gain of a few. That’s why then and now; these people and their coalition must not be permitted to come back to power as there was no hope for remediation to occur to our country with them.

The Filipinos have seen enough and heard enough from the Otso Deritso and their coalition, and that they are now trapped in a cage and was lost, tired, and out of options. NEVERTHELESS, IT MUST BE DEEPLY INGRAINED INTO THEIR SOULS THAT THE TREE OF PRRD WILL GIVE ITS SHADE EVEN TO THE MAN WHO IS STRIKING IT DOWN AND AS IT IS A SWEET SMELLING TREE, IT WILL LEAVE ITS SCENT ON THE AXE.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The latest critics PRRD are mentioning more recently in his speeches are, namely: the Rappler, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), Solita Monsod, and Jim Paredes. Nevertheless, PRRD has to be clever enough to realize the natural aversion of these people are lies, flattery, and pretense with monotonous frequency. Their reputation on corruption is highly pronounced, and its tardiness and inefficiency recline far, far away from the standard.

The credibility of the Rappler, Philippine Center for Investigative journalism (PCIJ), Solita Monsod, and Jim Paredes can be measured by a handful of sand as against PRRD with a renowned reputation as the savior of the poor and the downtrodden. PRRD’s credibility is measured as vast as the sea, how can these critics be believed. They are doing all these criticism to take up all of PRRD’s attention to distract him and lost his rhythm about any big picture stuff.

To PRRD, Mr. President, Sir, you can chant and dance around, you can dream and speak your heart out against these people, but they do not deserve to be given any attention. They will only unnecessarily wear your energy out.

No man can at the same time concentrate all resources on his future and enjoy the hours of the present. Occasionally, you run into frustrating roadblocks and evil forces may play a role in the demise of great ambition.

Negative gossip is sapping your energy, diverting you towards the negative. Should we let anxiety drive our lives? This is usually the time when you just smack yourself in the head and laugh about them rather than become a proverbial victim. As we all learn, every drop of "negative" adds to the sea of negativity.

The philosophical approach to leadership should not deviate from the hard rules of reality. A man should realize that he is going to die someday. Accordingly, accepting that your days are limited is a precondition for making the best use of your time.

To achieve our absolute best doing magical things in our performance and bring magic to the world does not need to be tainted with mystical incantations. Other people may support your endeavors or oppose your initiatives, but in the long-term, their actions play only a minor role, like the noise of a train running on its track. Indeed, the sound accompanies the train, but what moves the wagons is the engine, not the noise.

Exaggerated time-consciousness and focus on the critics may lead men to a psychological misery not better than the destitution of the idler.

Monday, April 22, 2019


I got chills when I read the link sent to me just now April 22, which says “OUST-DUTERTE PLOT BARED.” What? A president who is a work in progress, who is ridiculously impatient around his mighty mission, and who is ridiculously impatient about serving the Filipino people and bringing value to their dreams is going to be ousted?

The brain tattoo of these coup plotters is, an addiction to distraction is the death of PRRD’s creative production.

We’re in fact in a war against the coup plotters right now and what we have to do is optimize our energy, really commit to defending the duly elected president, and be prepared to light ourselves on fire. What’s the point of supporting these coup plotters who are climbing the wrong Mount Everest whose intention is to serve their own selfish interest?

Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) must not die if we want him to change our world. Dead people don’t change the world.

Yes, because he is the Filipinos’ hero, these enemies always ridicule him as every genius is ridiculed before they’re revered, people throw stones at him but PRRD uses them to build monuments of mastery, they refuse to understand him because any great leader is always going to be misunderstood. But despite all their attempts to distract and repress his focus to improve everyone’s life even if he is just an army of one, he continues at all costs.

These coup plotters are nothing more than thieves who dreamt to come back to power and bankrupt our country once again. Their plot to oust PRRD only gives him a fiery inner core of warriorship and leadership that allows him to go up in the world and do amazing things.

They’ll never be a better president than PRRD. We knew who are these alleged coup plotters. We already lose our respect to them from their promises of “Tuwid na Daan” they made to us but later reneged. But worst than that, they were the ones that put 800 plus children’s lives in life-long peril and the possible mass genocide with Dengvaxia. They had sent 44 SAF forces into the lion’s den in Mamasapano and have them all killed. They stole billions of cash in Yolanda foreign donations intended for the victims, and multiple scams by his fidus archates. They are no longer humans.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


From this Easter Sunday celebration and onwards, let’s all begin to be wonderful, fantastic and valuable beyond words. Life is complex with many twists and turns but people who are determined to look at the bright side of life are today living to their fullest.

Start thinking empowering thoughts, speak kind words, show your appreciation when it is deserved. When someone takes the initiative to improve your life acknowledge them by showing your gratitude. Commit to do compassionate deeds, be a generous giver and notice the positive effects it can have on your life.

But the mainstream news programmers on all television channels, without exception, they are unrelentingly negative and destructive against PRRD and his administration. They fill the viewer’s minds with images of war, disaster, and death. They fill the viewer’s subconscious with the language of desperation and loss. They teach the viewers that our country under PRRD is filled with the human race that hates, murder and destroys.

The minds of each and every viewer soak up all those images and words and they retain them all. They see images and hear words in which crime is ever-present, so their minds tell them that they live in a crime-filled world. These people manning these TV channels fail to realize that every time they utter something negative, it is reinforcing a reality that the Filipinos do not desire. It affects their lives.

Add love, compassion, gratitude, a heart of giving; and watch your life begin to take a 180-degree turn for the better. But many think it is impossible, not worth the trouble to try and change the way they think and talk.

Simple things add up in your life when you stop and realize how much you really have to be thankful for PRRD for he has found the Filipinos important enough that he goes out of his way to improve your life in some way, so show him you are gracious for that. I urge the detractors to Stop at some point today and consider the blessings you've been given. Recognize how much beauty and so much more of them in the future will be around you and be appreciative for it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


The bigger issue our country is facing is the Yellow political class together with their faithful friend or devoted follower, the fidus archates, who assumed the obstructive role in the PRRD government. 

Every day, you often hear the newscasters of the 3 TV Channels look right into the camera and tell you a lie. They create an issue they know damn well it would lead to possible tampering, or them always going to twist it to put PRRD in a bad light. We know that the Yellows of Benigno ‘Pnoy’ Aquino are using money to pay the media to manipulate people’s thoughts. They’re doing this for the benefit of the elites as the media will squeeze the truth and use propaganda to destroy the PRRD government. 

What is regrettable is that the Yellows’ adamant and unbending in their refusal to accept the reality they are now rejected by the Filipino people, would seize upon a flimsy and insubstantial argument in the vain hope of imparting deceptive plausibility to the assertion of imaginary and non-existing facts unmindful whether it is fraught with pernicious consequences to the country and its citizens. 

But the Yellows acting revengeful even if they were very much aware what bedevils our country today were in fact of their own making. Their out of control obsession and rage can often take their own unexpected paths--to some detrimental effects and a harder fall down the track until the bubble bursts. 

The struggle with revenge is centuries old. From lovers running over a beloved iPhone or destroying what their ex most values, to businessmen damaging the careers of those who have rejected them, to students opening fire in school hallways, revenge can be an act of ANGER, HURT AND POWER. 

Sadly, the idea of the Yellows to make revenge as their duty against PRRD is an act of aggression that could reach to a boiling point, and the attack and counterattack can be blinding and destroy our own country and the lives of its citizens.

Clearly and truly, Love of country, the subordination of personal interests to the common good, concern and care for the helpless and the impoverished – are not the creed for existence anymore for the Yellows. 

The question at this moment on Holy Week is this: Does the obsession and revenge of the Yellows make them feel pleasurable, even if the consequences will create more problems and suffering to our beloved country and its citizens? To the Yellows, please ponder on this. 

As we continue our Lenten journey, as the last refuge of the deadbeat, may we look upon the cross of Christ with humbleness and awe, for we must honestly face our sin before we can receive the gift of salvation. Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Here’s what I can say to kick the controversy into the mainstream. In June 2016, Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) made a big promise. A promise that over the next 6 years, the lives of 81.64 million Filipinos are going to get better with no one left behind. We’re now 3 years into the journey with PRRD, the clock is ticking. 

Based on the current direction of PRRD, there surely is a big amount of progress even in the midst of tremendous challenges that it faces. The Yellows and their fidus Achates or devoted followers can close their eyes and refuse to see but they can’t cover a rising sun the electrifying progress all around them,. Truthfully, PRRD has done an outstanding job of turning things around for the purple and gold. 

I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why there are people who sow seeds of destruction in their own country not with a bang but with a whimper. These people use money to pay and manipulate people’s thoughts through media coming up with ways to pull the rug out from under our feet and wait for everyone to fall. They do it by inciting an explosion of war and violence, by being utterly destroying any attempt by PRRD to create genuine development their society’s huge potential for growth, condemning their citizens to a lifetime of poverty. 

We have already witnessed that the media monopolies by the Yellow-Liberals in our country will usher in their return to power. If they win in the coming 2019 election and it will be the end of everything, our dream to be free, united, and self-reliant will vanish on God’s greener earth. 

The media and the Yellows are there for the benefit of the elites as they conspire to gain much from the extraction whether in the form of valuable minerals, forced labor, or protected monopolies at the expense of society. 

Of course, the Yellows, the elites, and the media benefit from rigged political institutions too, wielding their power to tilt the system for their benefit. Matter-of-factly, they are the pariahs, the outcasts, more terrible, and more destructive. They have a devilish reputation, who live through fake news or old wives’ tale. They have nowhere to go except to bring down the country together with them into hell. 

With these people’s evil desire, let’s not allow the Yellow candidates to win for any elective positions, especially for Senators, in the coming May 13, 2019 elections if only to ensure that our country will not be ripped apart once again and plunge the nation into ruin and destruction. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD) should not give in to the call of ousted chief justice Maria Lourdes Sereno and the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) to explain his alleged growing riches and that of his family in the Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net worth (SALN). The Filipinos net satisfaction rating on the president appearing in the recent survey of the SWS continuously climb to “Very Good” as of April 12, 2019. This will inextricably prove the Filipinos; in their hearts of hearts know that corruption and greed for money is a taboo for PRRD.

Mr. President, you do not need to prove your innocence to anyone because the Filipinos know you have clean hands. This is all that matters. Your political enemies are always providing our country with a crapload of trouble. It's a full-time job for them.

Do not fuel the evil fire of the Yellows and their henchmen by giving their lies power. The truth will eventually be known, and it is the truth that will set you free. Armor yourself against these people portrayed as egomaniacal, a walking contradiction, and charlatans. Like a bullet-proof vest, the toxic blame will bounce right off of you and save your self-esteem.

I believe we are in a great period of transition very much on the scale of the Industrial Revolution and the atmosphere is pure electricity. But like that and other “revolutions”, it is hard to see it during the time we are in it. It takes a significant period of time to even see a revolution of that or this nature in the process and certainly to understand the nature of the values at play now.

The success of the PDu30’s government depends on how We, the people, receive it, how we respond to it, and how we give respect to the commitment and the direction the president is fated to accomplish the task or face some overwhelming foe. The outcome of his focus for reforms, therefore, is dependent on those cases where the critical ingredient is supplied by what is in the people's heart.

We can only speculate as of now but whatever lies ahead waiting in the sun can become a central issue either as a goal to pursue or a fate to dodge, can drive much of a storyline.

Monday, April 8, 2019


The Yellow opposition, the media, the Catholic priests, the ICC, the 5 U.S. Senators, financed by the elites, the oligarchs, and the aristocrats wanted to tear down President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (PRRD). But he stayed on the attack bloodied but unbowed and he got as good as he gave, and the fight is continuing. For the enemies, PRRD is a hard pill to swallow and no matter what he does they are blind to see what he is doing.

PRRD was unlike any other president I have known. He was a creature of work, he was the cleverest leader that the Filipinos ever had and in some ways, revolutionary. He says it the way it is, he knows he is very old he’s got to achieve things. And though he experiences a rough patch, he will not waste his time on people who he believes would not lead anywhere except to the complete wreckage of our country.

PRRD was the right man at the right time as being the highest uncorrupted and he knows it’s going to take a generation at least to change the system of corruption in the government. He says, if he doesn’t start now the nation will never get anywhere and it will forever go down a difficult path.

For PRRD, the Philippines is a vibrant society. It has its problems like all societies in the world but it is not a failed society. It is experiencing growing pains but it is a society that will certainly endure. That’s why he is presiding a transition from the previous regime marred by corruption to a major player for positive changes.

For PRRD, he has to take things in proportion because the fact is if you are unwilling to take any risk at all, there’s no way that you can stop short of conquering the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow because there’s a risk in living.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


A resolution has been filed by American Senators Ed Markey, Marco Rubio, Dick Durbin, Marsha Blackburn, and Chris Coons, calling the Philippine government for the immediate release of Leila De Lima, and for the dropping of charges against Rappler CEO Maria Ressa of Rappler.

When I knew about the subject “Resolution,” I was fuming mad, but realize that these Senators are no more than a grease stain on US Senate Hall. Their impotent howl of rage, it’s just like a helpless howl to the moon like a wolf in mouse clothing.

Under the Philippine Constitution, the Republic of the Philippines is an independent sovereign state. Pursuant to international affairs, the idea of state sovereignty is that nations can control their external and internal affairs to the exclusion of all external powers, on the principle of non-interference in another country's domestic affairs, and that each state (no matter how large or small) is equal in international law.

I can’t imagine how the US Senate and the American citizens can be that naive enough to believe the idiocy of these 5 proponent Senators of the Resolution! The said resolution just reeked the craziness, that’s what I call the mishegoss, it was nuts, there was no sense to it. They were just everything as unconscionably extraordinarily horrible and the ugliest of being in the face of this earth. You can sharpen with an ax on top of their heads and that is precisely who they are.

But these Senators as stupid as they can be thought they still are ostentatiously in control of our country throughout, claiming the right to intrude into the minutiae of our lives and to wag the finger of righteousness in our faces.

Yes, the Republic of the Philippines is just a small country. But the smaller our country is, the stronger and bigger our pride and sovereignty should be. And with it, respect is bestowed to every nation, more so, the small one, the Philippines. It's the only thing we need that we demand it.

Friday, April 5, 2019


The "TARA" document provided by a certain "Bikoy" in the video "Ang Totoong Narcolist - Episode 1", it was shown by Sass Sasot and “Thinking Pinoy” to be faked. Indeed, the subject document is full of short circuits. Like the antiquated wiring in an old house, the details sputter and burn out when specific parts are tested.

Therefore, it’s fair ABS-CBN must apologize to PRRD, presidential son Paolo Duterte, Usec. Waldo Carpio, and the Filipino people for the unnecessary damage done to the personalities and to the country by doing that smack snap booze, and miscues without first verifying if it was a fraud or not.

To the ABS-CBN: Your suspicious mind is always roaming around looking for anything, anything there is that you can make out a case and cast aspersions at PRRD getting into ripping his Prasad. Your stories are chilling and the looks on your faces haunting. You always see to it that every news you broadcast about the President will place him in the worst possible light who, not only walk his walk and his talk but carry immense burdens that none of us are really aware of.

When you are branded as a fake outlet, a fortiori is not surprising that your news is also fake. Where is your sense of values if ever you have one? You are a Filipino who is abusing your country in the name of the holy grail of press freedom. You have overused and abused the privilege with downright improper legal tack. You are not only throwing mud, but you are also throwing shit at the President and his family in order to stir people up.

PRRD has been floored at the hundreds of news from the 3 National TV Channels that breathed hate and wished death; and also Catholic priests delighting he would be in hell. I think that says something about they have more education to do.

My concern is – stepping back from the partisanship, let’s look at the bigger picture. We have a very serious crisis and issues over which we should be concerned which is symptomatic of a deeper flaw in our culture – a culture that doesn’t believe in speaking the truth with clarity and firmness. I think we have a deep, serious reflection to undertake.

PRRD just spoke very eloquently last Thursday, in Palawan saying: “I have enough problems with criminality, drugs, rebellion and all. But if I am pushed to the edge, I will suspend the writ of habeas corpus and arrest all of you.”

ABS-CBN, your sad refrain will save you from a repeat of history when your TV station was shut down by Marcos in 1972- Martial Law. I LEAVE IT UP TO YOU. IT’S YOUR CALL.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Here again, is another example of abs-cbn news where it gave extensive coverage on the absurd episode that it cannot be taken seriously. A witness assassin was unleashed like an attack dog supposedly to create unearthly scream in our midst as sort of set the Filipino people over the edge.

All told the accusation against Paolo ‘Pulong’ Duterte and DA Usec. Waldo Carpio as alleged protector receiving drug pay off cannot be measured as to contain the legal yardstick of prima facie evidence worthy to deserve the proverbial second look. As we delve into the accusation and the underlying assumptions, and filter the gold from the dustpan, to speak figuratively, the evidence presented was not enough to overcome the presumption of innocence as constitutionally ordained.

Against all reasons, the accusation of someone who even masquerades his identity cannot be upheld when subjected to scrutiny more concordant with absolute facts and values of reality. The government's drive against illegal drugs deserves everybody's support. But it cannot be pursued by ignoble means which are violative of constitutional rights of Presidential son Paolo Duterte and Usec. Waldo Carpio.

Obviously then, from the very beginning, this anonymous individual who was down on his luck was not at all moved by good faith and an honest motive. His accusation were empty words directly intended to fool, dupe, entice, beguile and deceive the Filipino people into believing what is completely false.

It can even be said that this 'robot' committed such deplorable acts in blatant disregard of Article 19 of the Civil Code which directs every person to act with justice, give everyone his due and observe honesty and good faith in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his obligations.

Evidently, the accuser and his handlers had a common bestial and ignoble purpose in accusing precipitately Pulong Duterte and Usec. Waldo Carpio. These people only want to besmirch their reputation, which is like a plant of tender growth, and its bloom, once lost, is not easily be restored.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


The ABS-CBN TV Channel has been harping about the news of a Chinese ship dredging somewhere in Batangas. They also repeatedly featured the news about the fifteen Chinese citizens who were working on building construction in Manila with illegal working permits. They also exaggerated the presence of alleged 617 Chinese vessels even though there were only 275 Chinese fishing boats in the disputed South Philippine Sea.

The habit of ABS-CBN people is they’re doing whatever they can grasp at anything, anything, any little thing that they can blow up and make it seem like a big deal. They highlight anything that will make PRRD look foolish and small to foreign countries and will have a miserable reading at our country. They have the propensity towards a situation that will have an inevitable backlash that can cause a kind of bidding wars in a chain reaction that could be stratospheric. 

To the ABS-CBN, enough is enough. Be warned therefore of the consequences of going too far, particularly its anti-Chinese stance in politics and international relations that smacks of a disciple of American culture. We don’t want people whom we can suspect as seeing the occurrence of turmoil as an opportunity to separate us. The ABS-CBN would be a precipitating factor if such horror is to occur in our country on the random spurs of the moment, on frivolous caprices of intermingled lust, rage, and stupor. 

Acting on “duty” contrary to inclination results in self-abnegation. Acting on whim contrary to reason results in self-destruction. We must unite among ourselves and our flag and country. As what has become a cliche’ of PRRD: to be friends to all and enemies to none. 

Pres. Duterte’s mission in solving Corruption, Drugs, Criminality, and Terrorism is our country’s National Undertaking that if we don’t have the consensus among us in the first instance, then, We can’t fight it. No numbers of bombs or soldiers or whatever are going to accomplish the objective. What the task today is to pull together our consensus that drives up the mission which the success or failure depends on all of us.

The presidency represents the highest office of the land, the Philippines. When PRRD is insulted, the matter isn’t about him as a man; it’s about his lawfully obtained Office. Thus, such disrespect incensed many of us. Kill reverence that PRRD deserves and you’ve killed the hero in the man.

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