Thursday, February 14, 2019


I do not know about BONG GO who is now a candidate for Senator in the 2019 election, except as being a nice person and that your eyes were always drawn to. He is a man who had been the alter ego of Mayor Rodrigo R. Duterte in Davao since 1988 and continuously up to the present when the Mayor became the President of the Philippines.

BONG GO has been with PRRD, working and fighting, and completely changed the visual paradigm of virtue in public service in the government; becoming so big in society, being swallowed by society because of what he is doing for the Filipinos, and I got bloody respect of this man.

BONG GO was honed in by his father to take over the management of their printing press business in Davao as soon as he graduated from De La Salle University. But he chooses his dream to serve the people in Davao with Mayor Duterte to the consternation of his father. It would demand his greatest leap of imagination yet combined with a lot of hardcore calculation as he became the guiding light, the Jewel of PDU30 , the air upon which he breathes in his colossal efforts to set our country on its way to prosperity.

BONG GO is a representation of triumph for all Filipinos. I have no doubt he will become a symbol of hope for millions of Filipinos who dare to dream to have a real public servant that they can lean on. For BONG GO, with each helping hand he extends, he possesses more power to uplift and supports our countrymen and women.

The responsibility to become a public servant is not new to BONG GO as he has been doing it for 31 years with PRRD. Throughout that span of time, he has always chosen to be better than people who choose to lurk at the bottom of the moral totem pole spewing judgment on their own terms with selfish motives.

To know that there’s BONG GO in the Senate with the type of integrity and honesty, it’s something I want to remember for the rest of my life.

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